A Dimension Within Our World

Godfrey Jeremiah
Beyond Imaginations
6 min readMar 8, 2019

I have heard of tales of a world within our world. They were just folklores, I thought. Of course, the majority are. But this mysterious event happened right before my eyes and I have since, been looking for a frame of reference to share this rather unbelievable story — my own story, which I’m sure would get the same tale-like reaction from my reader or whoever is listening.

First, I must not skip sharing a little background on myself, to at least, give my readers an idea of the character behind the curtain in this story. I studied Physics at the university as a major (I guess that makes me a Physicist) and my reason for following that area of study was to have a grasp of the knowledge presented in my observable world and of course, to cure my obsession with science.

In the course of my pursuit for knowledge, my interest deepened on the study of things that are beyond the reach of our senses and I discovered over 89% of our world is made up of such. So I said to myself, “Wouldn’t it be worth knowing since a larger fragment of our world comprises of such?” Part of this aspect of our reality has been successfully technologized, spanning through the wireless technology, remote sensing, infrared (IR) and EMF.

But something is more intriguing — the study of dark matter and the invisible dimensions within our world. They are actually things or region before our eyes that are not visible to us or detected by any known technology. No amount of light can expose their presence as they obviously do not interact with the electromagnetic force, so they’re almost impossible to spot except they want to interact with our visible dimensions.

This is where my story begins.

It was just like every normal day. I woke up early in the morning, at about 5.30 am and decided to take a walk, to watch the sunrise as I meditate — my usual. But this time, I decided to explore a new path, a road that leads to somewhere very quiet, a place where no one is expected to be at that time of the day. It was so quiet that I could only hear the sound of silence. There was not even a sound or an appearance of anything alive except a tree which I was leaning unto. Exactly the kind of atmosphere I wanted.

While I was busy enjoying the moment, trying to tune in to the frequency of my inner voice, I felt a smooth tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was. This is where my day took a weird turn. I got a bit frightened and then confused. I do not know if I should describe who I saw as a gentleman or as a ‘gentlelady’ because he-she had the face of a very beautiful woman and the physique of a man with broad shoulders. For the sake of this piece, I should settle with the use of ‘he’ to refer to this visitor in question.

He said to me in a very gentle voice, “Godfrey, sorry if I startled you.” I was still in the process of trying to identify his gender, yet he called my name which even got me overwhelmed. All I could say from my mouth was, “how did you know my name…who are you really?” Then something even bizarre began to happen. I thought I might have been going crazy at this moment. That none of this happening is real.

I suddenly had a very strange feeling that I was at the company with someone who’s from a different dimension. This feeling was channeled to me from him in a way indescribable. His presence made me feel like I was in a kind of ‘field’ within his dimension. Then he apologized again and responded, “Sorry about what I just did. I wanted to keep the conversation as short as possible ‘cos I know you’re going to ask me so many questions. From the looks of your eyes, I know you’re terrified but please don’t be. See me as a visitor for now. You asked how I know your name, who exactly do not know your name? Everyone does know you, at least from where I’m from.

This aroused my curiosity which I think should be normal but I just don’t know if I’m fully ready for what’s about to happen so I needed to adjust my posture a little bit to get my feet ready to escape, my mind ready to comprehend, my eyes wide open, and my ears to pick every word he’s going to say. I could see him smiling, that kind of smile that suggests he’d seen this timeline long before now. Before I could respond, he said,

I know what you’re going to say. I’ve had it all figured out so I’d save you the time. You want to know where I’m from and why I came to you. First, you need to know we’ve been watching you and others like you in your world. Where I came from is a dimension within yours. This is not the first time you’re meeting a visitor from our dimension, though the second and last time. I was sent to you now because we know you’re ready…there’s so much about you and where you are that you don’t know and certain knowledge is deliberately hidden from you because you may not be able to handle it. My dimension is not different from yours only that, time is not a factor there. There are several other dimensions within yours that your species are yet to explore…

He continued to say things which he particularly instructed me not to disclose yet to anyone because they may think I’m going crazy. People in this age would discard anything that doesn’t make sense or doesn’t relate to the frame of knowledge they’re used to. As far as knowledge is concerned, we’re still in a primitive age. I left a clue in this link. It is a very short write up but an eye-opener.

Where we are in history would be visited 50 years from now but unfortunately, most of us would be dead by then. At that moment, we (survivors) would understand how primitive we were. Everything in our world is programmed to happen in sequence. Nothing can alter that sequence. One action produces another. Our reality is subjected to everything we do in the time allocated to us.

This is the strangest part of my story — my experience. As he was about leaving, after our supposed short conversation, he handed me a scroll and said, “When you decipher what’s written in this scroll, destroy it! You can tell who wrote what’s on it at that moment.” I immediately asked him who wrote it as I couldn’t wait to get that information. “You did! and you asked me to deliver it to you when the time is ripe… Goodbye, Godfrey!” Then I watched him walked away, disappeared into the thin air. He literarily walked into the air. just like that with no traces. I felt like something left me.

The whole experience seemed to have happened within half an hour but it turned out that I have been there for over 8 hours! This could only happen in my dream. A dream I still could not get out of. Am I going crazy? I couldn’t share this experience with anyone until after 3 months.

My final note on this piece.

So much is beyond the reach of our senses. What often describe as empty space, is not what we think. The unimaginable happens there. We walk right through it without feeling anything — just air and some particles. We see a lot of things happening to us, around us, far away from us and our hearts are crowded with questions. We need answers! We need to hear the truth. We deserve the truth. But, unfortunately, we are not ready. Because the truth is the lies we believe in. And the lies are the truth we do not want to accept.

A dimension within our dimensions, a world within our world. Sounds like the work of fiction. It’s too much for our minds to accept. Let us continue with the reality we are used to. At least that makes us feel sane and safe. It is the way we’ve been living and let us keep it that way. Really?

I’m open to a discussion.

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Godfrey Jeremiah
Beyond Imaginations

Futurist Writer with a particular interest in technology, physics, and the fate of humanity http://www.gjefspecials.co.uk | https://blog.gjefspecials.co.uk