Here’s Why Dynamics 365 CRM is Perfect For Manufacturing

Beyond Key
Beyond Key
Published in
6 min readNov 21, 2022

The digital world of today is more complicated by the minute. The manufacturing process is challenging and takes a lot of time because there are more workers, more machines, a more complex supply chain, and more demands from customers. Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 for Manufacturing makes running operations quickly and effectively easy.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a robust business management solution that helps manufacturers track and manage their supply chain activities and streamline their operations with new tools that boost productivity.

Here’s Why Dynamics 365 CRM is Perfect for Manufacturing

What Does Dynamics 365 Give Your Manufacturing Business?


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for manufacturing uses the power of big data analytics, machine learning, Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence to help businesses keep up with the latest technological advances for a more significant impact in the manufacturing industry.

Dynamics 365 for Manufacturing helps manufacturers and distributors see the whole picture of their supply chain, manufacturing life cycles, warehouse management, and delivery schedules.

It also automates processes, so they don’t have to be done repeatedly. It gives everyone a single place to analyze, predict, and solve complex problems that are bound to arise in supply chain operations.


Manufacturers face many of the same problems: siloed systems, different operations, and random processes. Dynamics 365 combines essential business processes like sales, manufacturing, and customer service into a single platform.

This improves the customer experience and automates employee engagement. Centralizing information makes things more transparent and accessible for manufacturers to see and use a lot of data.

Dynamics 365 makes it easy to track both financial performance and customer data in real-time through a single solution that can manage multiple channels.

Also, precise and easy-to-see operations help businesses give accurate quotes to customers in real-time. Without a doubt, Dynamics 365 manufacturing CRM is the best CRM for manufacturing business. Let us dig deep and see why you should choose it.

Why Choose Dynamics 365 CRM For Manufacturing?

Dynamics 365 for Manufacturing Benefits

Your supply chain will be easier to see

Do you want your supply chain to be more productive and make more money? Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management makes it easy for manufacturers to connect and visualize all their supply chain data.

With real-time reporting, manufacturers can get a complete picture of their supply chain business and gain valuable insights.

With a more customer-centered approach, manufacturers can earn a competitive edge by making it easier to see what’s happening, getting better information for collaboration talks, and getting products to market faster.

Give your clients good service

When you have complete information about your customers at your fingertips, you can build solid and meaningful relationships with them by giving them faster and more personalized service. This unified application offers users many ways to talk to each other, including the ability to chat in real-time.

This makes it possible to decrypt customer problems remotely, which can help build loyalty and trust by giving customers answers quickly and easily.

Using predictive analytics based on past actions and events, you can also make more personalized offers to customers based on how they use and buy things.

Production and making that are flexible

Dynamics 365 has tools for advanced warehouse and logistics management as well as the dynamic leadership of production orders.

Production orders are easy to track and can be delivered on time. Also, you can run the whole manufacturing process from afar, so you don’t have to be on the factory floor.

It also makes the manufacturing process more flexible because it lets you share data across the organization and streamline operational tasks.

Employees on the factory floor have access to all the real-time data needed to keep an eye on the process and ensure it’s running smoothly and well.

Speed up new ideas and time to market

By understanding their product and customers’ needs better, businesses can develop new ideas and still provide good customer service.

With IoT, you can learn more. For example, if you put sensors on machines, you can quickly find any problems or inefficiencies and use that information to improve operations in the future. With this approach, you can develop new ideas faster and get them to market sooner.

Also, mobile devices, cloud-based apps, and the growing use of IoT make it possible for manufacturers to offer extra services like remote monitoring and preventive maintenance.

With easy access to mobile tools and data, you can solve any problem quickly and for as little money as possible.

Employee engagement

When people are happy at work, a business does well. Dynamics 365 gives each role its own tools to make everyday tasks more efficient. It also connects operations to create a structured workflow for business processes.

Also, it gives employees constant feedback and lets them do assessments together, which makes work more fun.

Production that works well with limited loads

Finite loading makes sure that production work goes at a steady, effective pace. With Dynamics 365, scheduling production based on what customers want is easy.

Dynamics 365 predicts the proper stock levels and can even suggest alternatives when certain items aren’t available because it can see the whole supply chain. Machines can be watched over 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and any problems can be fixed remotely if they happen.

It gives businesses a competitive edge by automating business processes, making the best use of resources, bringing in more money, and staying up all the time.

Taking care of your business needs

From IoT sensors to cloud storage, digital manufacturing tools are improving. With Dynamics 365’s digital transformation, manufacturers can use automated digital automated solutions to help with day-to-day tasks like inventory management, quality control, and maintenance.

How Can The Solution From Beyond Key Help You?

We read about all the benefits of having Dynamics 365 CRM. But we didn’t talk about the most critical part, which was how to use it and the benefits of customization.

The Beyond Key solution fits perfectly with the unique needs of companies in the manufacturing industry. It was made with the help of our customers so that it would meet their CRM for manufacturing needs.

Due to its unique processes and functions, the solution has been used in many projects, proving safe and stable.

Thanks to modular structure as a “solution library,” based on the idea of building blocks, only the parts that help your CRM for manufacturing projects the most in each phase are used. It gives you a great starting point for achieving your CRM for manufacturing goals quickly and at a low cost.

Moreover, you get:

  • Current and completed transactions
  • Live cargo status and Order estimation
  • IoT Integration with CRM
  • Barcode Scanning and RFID
  • Payment information and gateway integration
  • Tracking limited commercial offers, and more
  • Case handling with Improve communications
  • Revenue tracking — offer visibility for actual vs expected numbers
  • Credit status updates — monitor all invoices and financial information
  • Scaling digital process automation
  • Vendor Portal using MS Dynamics 365
  • On-demand integrations like QuickBooks, MS Teams, SharePoint

Wrapping Up

Modernizing can help manufacturers respond quickly to changes in the market. Even though the pandemic messed up the supply chain, changed the workplace, and made people act differently, it gave us plenty of excellent examples.

  • Masks were made instead of clothes by textile companies.
  • Hand sanitizer is now made by companies that produce food.
  • Disinfectants are made by companies that treat water.

But companies don’t know where to begin. Leaders in manufacturing see that they need digital transformation to reach their top goals, such as more customer engagement, a single view of all customers, and a better customer experience, but legacy systems have left some scars.

It can be scary to think about switching to a new method or piece of technology.

Digitization doesn’t have to hurt, be old-fashioned, or cost a lot. With Microsoft Dynamics 365, manufacturers can now start automating their supply chains. By far, it is the best CRM for manufacturing businesses.

Dynamics 365 manufacturing services bridge the void between CRM and ERP systems and streamline business processes by delivering a real-time 360-degree view of all the data and processes. It helps solve problems that slow down the business of making things.



Beyond Key
Beyond Key

Beyond Key is a Microsoft Solutions Partner company serving clients globally.