#22 | Neighbors

Rahul Rangnekar
Beyond Limits
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2017

They don’t think I’m selling dope.

But they’re all hella chill. Across from me are two (three, but we never really see the third) awesome girls with whom we watch movies and grab dinner with. They throw dope parties and we’re planning to host a lit Halloween party with them.

Two doors down is a new group that just moved in today. I opened the gate for one of the girls and her mother in the evening, and she already threw a pretty loud party tonight. They seem like cool people too, so can’t wait for this coming year with them. TFTI.

A couple more doors down is a group of guys who had sublet their apartment for the summer. They came back a few days ago to find their apartment completely broken and trashed by their sublets, who had given fake names (but they left personal items with their real names) and had somehow managed to fit 10 people (co-ed, no less) into an apartment meant for 4. The state of that apartment right now is absolutely revolting. I literally cannot understand how the sublets themselves were alright with living in such an uninhabitable situation. I befriended the guys (the actual renters) by helping them move out a nasty couch to a nearby dumpster. They seem like hella nice people. It’s just so unfortunate that these guys got taken advantage of, and I hope they figure out how to get everything back in order.

So today, I’m thankful for my neighbors. They’re all good people, and I’m happy I can get to know them better throughout my last year at Cal.



Rahul Rangnekar
Beyond Limits

Software Developer && Writer, UC Berkeley Computer Science & Economics graduate