#29 | What affects you?

Rahul Rangnekar
Beyond Limits
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2017

What should you let affect you? Nothing? Everything?

If someone talks behind your back or does something you don’t like, should you let that affect you? If the news is negative (but nowadays, when is it not?), should you let that affect you? Should you dwell on how you’ve been wronged throughout the rest of the day?

Or do you just move on?

Do you just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and take the next step forward?

Because on one hand, you’re comfortable with yourself. You are your own person, and you are unapologetically you. You don’t mind doing XYZ if requested of you because you have your own mission ahead of you. You just roll with the hits and keep going.

But on the other hand, you’re not standing up for your values and what you believe in. You’re letting other people affect who you are and what you’re doing. You’re overcompensating for others’ feelings and not taking your own into account. It’s like you’re being too unselfish to the point that you’re losing your personality.

So what do you do? Of course there’s a happy medium between the two, but it’s been tough to find. What will I stand up for and not compromise?

This post turned out to be more serious than I intended. I’ll figure this out soon.

Tonight, I’m thankful for challenges in my life. I’m thankful for every moment that makes me uncomfortable and forces me to think and adapt. It’s fun.



Rahul Rangnekar
Beyond Limits

Software Developer && Writer, UC Berkeley Computer Science & Economics graduate