Beyond Lucid Technologies Integrates Telemedicine into MEDIVIEW Fire & EMS Charting Software for 9–1–1, Community Paramedicine, and Medicare “ET3” Program

Initial Telemedicine Partners include Four National Leaders: General Devices (GD), Hippo Health, Pulsara, and VSee

Jonathon Feit
Beyond Lucid Technologies



CONCORD, CA (24 AUGUST 2021) — To support the growing movement toward incorporation of telemedicine into the Mobile Medical (Fire & EMS) workflow, particularly the value-based payment model effort called Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) from the federal Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Beyond Lucid Technologies (BLT) today announced the incorporation of a telemedicine dataset into the MEDIVIEW electronic patient care record (ePCR) platform and MEDIVEW BEACON Prehospital Health Information Exchange (HIE). These new telemedicine features, shown below, are now available to all MEDIVIEW partners at no additional cost. Screenshots are included below.

BLT also announced four initial telemedicine partners that are the first to interface with the MEDIVIEW ePCR and MEDIVIEW BEACON Prehospital Health Information Exchange, enabling agencies to activate any or all of them from inside the documentation…



Jonathon Feit
Beyond Lucid Technologies

Beyond Lucid Tech CEO. Software to connect First Responders with care facilities. Served in White House OMB. Advocate for rights of fellow disabled Americans.