Ancient Hellenic-Style Jumbo Shrimp

Simple, sweet and savoury and brimming with health benefits.

Marilyn Harding
Beyond Organic, Beyond Extra Virgin
3 min readJun 19, 2017


We ❤ Ancient Hellenic-Style Jumbo Shrimp

When we get an invitation for dinner at Theresa and Jimmy’s here on Aegina Island we are always in for a treat. This time we suggested the recipe and Theresa, with Athan as sous chef, prepared our favourite Ancient Hellenic Jumbo Shrimps. This elegant dish can be an appetiser or, as the main course, accompanied by simple sides like boiled new potatoes in the skin and salads.

There were six of us for this lovely al fresco meal on the terrace and afterwards, Jimmy played guitar. Mellow with good food, crisp white wine and great company we sang along while the sun set rosy over the sea and the stars came out.


jumbo shrimp (wild or fed naturally) 4 to 6 per person*
100 ml High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
75 ml organic honey
10 gm anchovy paste

Caramelised sauce of High Phenolic EVOO, honey and anchovy paste makes this quick dish super scrumptious!


Fresh shrimp (or frozen, thawed) with shell, heads and tails rinsed thoroughly and drained in colander.
Heat skillet and add High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, honey and anchovy paste, mix together over medium high heat.
Add shrimp, turn and stir until pink and sauce has bubbled, thickened and caramelised.
Serve immediately.

Health Notes:

A 4 oz serving of shrimp is rich in astaxanthin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant selenium, copper and omega-3s. Read more!

Honey is rich in trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids that have antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties.

Garum — the ancient origin of anchovy paste — would have been rich in protein, amino acids, minerals and B vitamins and was widely exported from Greece.

High Phenolic EVOO, rich in oleocanthal and oleacein, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A tablespoon a day has been shown to aid in heart health and weight loss/management. Research also shows its efficacy in the potential in preventing or treating chronic disease. Read more!

Did you know?

It is the peppery sensation in the back of the throat about 3 seconds after swallowing High Phenolic Extra Virgin Olive Oil that indicates high levels of oleocanthal and the bitter taste on the tongue that indicates oleacein. Read more!

Looking for High Phenolic EVOO?

Let Aristoleo introduce you to the healthiest EVOOs in the world — “Tasted, Tested & True”

Thanks for the great evening Jimmy and Theresa!



Marilyn Harding
Beyond Organic, Beyond Extra Virgin

Writer, Author & Entrepreneur. Passionate about High Phenolic EVOO as Supplement for Health! Author “Exhilarated Life” Working on “PARIS Changes Everything”