Your Second Brain

How You Can Build a Second Brain on Your Phone

Your phone has so much more storage than your brain does. Use it to your advantage.

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity
6 min readSep 22, 2021


Phones are expensive, but by the same token, they offer a lot in return. It is a whole studio that offers so much value. You can call someone (obviously), you can take photos and videos, create music, you are connected to the internet every time of the day, and so much more.

Phones are a real boon to our lives, provided we have them under control. But that applies to almost everything. From phones to computers — yes, even books. Like Oscar Wilde famously said:

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.”

Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, 18-55 mm lens. Edited in ON1 Effects 2019.
Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, 18–55 mm lens. Edited in ON1 Effects 2019.

A fantastic way to enhance our phone experience and further use technology to our advantage is to build a second brain — or a digital garden — whatever you want to call it.

What was that? You don’t know what a second brain, let alone a digital grade, is? No worries, captain Boundaries to the rescue.

What is a Second Brain/Digital Garden?

Digital Garden is a notion that was known long before it found reemergence in 2020. The term Second Brain was birthed by Forte-Labs founder Tiago Forte, who…



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.