Mathematical Notes With Obsidian

Transforming Obsidian Into the Perfect Tool for STEM Notes

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity


Recently, I started studying for my Ph.D., which was absolutely not due to my professor summoning me to a meeting. To get a better overview of the general topic, I started with a broad Google search and quickly found myself in need of writing down equations.

Being an engineer, I am rather lazy, I must admit — it is in our nature. Still, even I have some standards, and I wanted proper formatting for my mathematical notes in Obsidian.

This is where Obsidian’s integration of MathJax comes in.

Image by uncreative author.

What is MathJax?

If I were to put it in one sentence, I would say MathJax is the equivalent of Markdown for mathematical equations.

Actually, it is a JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.

The beautiful thing about this solution is its extreme usefulness when using letters from the Greek alphabet. But more on that later.

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How to Use MathJax in Obsidian



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Productivity

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.