Pimp My Linux (Unix) Command Line

Make Linux Beautiful Again

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond T3CH


Linux, out of the box, has a rather plain appearance. However, there are certainly some distributions that enhance the visual appeal of the default setup. Nevertheless, the terminal itself remains minimalistic at best.

For many people, particularly old-school users, this simplicity and functionality is precisely how they believe a terminal should look. While there is nothing inherently wrong with that, the term “Linux rice” exists for a reason. In this blog, I aim to demonstrate how you can customize and enhance the appearance of your terminal.

Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, edited with ON1 Effects 2023.
Image by author. Shot with Sony Alpha 58, edited with ON1 Effects 2023.

For those of you who regularly use Vim, the terminal becomes a second home. When you spend so much time in a particular space, it’s worth considering how to improve its standards. The same principle applies to your actual home.

Now, how can we enhance the terminal experience? Well, the magic word here is Oh-My-Posh. This powerful tool offers cross-platform support for Windows Terminal, Linux, and macOS. Before we proceed with the installation, let’s take a look at what it has to offer so you can decide whether it’s worth investing your time in.

What is Oh-My-Posh exactly?

Oh-My-Posh enhances the appearance of your command line in the terminal by adding…



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond T3CH

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.