Beyond the Basics — An In-Depth Look at 2021 US Special Election Audiences

Project Background:

As of June 2021, four US House of Representatives special elections are on the horizon. While four newly elected candidates won’t cause a flip of the House majority, these upcoming elections provide interesting case studies for audience analysis — especially after the contentious 2020 election cycle. This series seeks to dive deeper into the key factors for persuading nonpresidential federal election voters in Florida’s 20th, Ohio’s 11th and 15th, and Texas’ 6th Congressional Districts.

This Medium publication leverages Resonate’s ‘cutting-edge artificial intelligence’ to better understand nonpresidential federal election voters.

Factors of Analysis:

This analysis will use the following data points to understand the addressable population and develop media plans for persuading voters:

  • Demographics — age, marital status, education, and characteristic-segmented population size.
  • Personal Values and Daily Life — behavioral traits and everyday experiences/routines.
  • Media Habits — insights about media consumption including linear and streaming TV, high traffic sites and apps, and time spent on the web, mobile applications, and social media.
  • Political Drivers — political affiliation and ideology, voting patterns, and key issues.

For each dimension, indexes compare the segmented groups to the general US online adult population, with a score of 100 representing an average adult.

Beyond the above, this series will use other outside resources (political indexes, public Google and Facebook ad libraries, and voting patterns) to better understand how common knowledge compares to the information we discern at a more granular level.

Overall Scope:

Through my continued work in social intelligence and audience analytics, I believe that by going beyond analyzing historical partisanship and voting records, this series will illuminate key takeaways regarding media consumption and audience targeting.

