There is No “I” in Author

Nicole Spindler
Beyond The Book
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2021
Four out of the nine books that published alongside me through NDP in December 2020. Photo credit: Nicole Spindler

As I admire my debut book (my dream turned into reality) being officially published, I also reflect on the journey I ventured on during the past twelve months. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments of my life — from initial book positioning call with my professor to seeing my chapters and cover come into full bloom!

This book writing process, like almost everything else in life, mirrored the twists and turns of a roller-coaster. However this roller-coaster wasn’t scary, dangerous or the type that made me sick to my stomach. In fact, this was the type of experience that kept me on the edges of my seat with my hands in the air, screaming with pure joy and wanting to ride again and again.

However, I didn’t take this journey alone. On the way at various checkpoints and lengths of the book writing and publishing process, there was strength in numbers.

Gratitude from those across all walks of my life bind the pages of my book together. They will all be a part of my past, present and beyond.

While I am celebrating the successful launch of Beyond Life’s Moments, I cannot help but also feel incredibly grateful for those that helped me transform from a passionate writer to a published author.

There were numerous people behind and beyond the pages of Beyond Life’s Moments. Without rewriting my entire Acknowledgements section in this article, I can provide an overview of the team at New Degree Press and through my book writing program that brought the pages of my debut novel to life.

First, this journey began with the support and confidence from the professor of the book writing program, Eric, and the Head of New Degree Press Publishing, Brian. Not only did they wholeheartedly believe in my aspiration to become a published author and to see my story become an inspiration to others — they created an opportunity, a community, and a celebration of stories. Both of them rattled out working titles for my book within the first twenty minutes of meeting them, they envisioned how my story could transcend the pages of my book through speaking engagements, mentoring workshops and future written works.

To Eric and Brian, thank you for igniting the spark to pursue my dream that I had put on hold for far too long.

The duration of the book program brought along three incredible editors: Karina (Content Editor), Kristen (Acquiring Editor) and John (Marketing & Revisions Editor).

Karina helped to evolve my ideas, intentions and journals stuffed with stories into cohesive chapters; our meetings ran into the late hours of the night, brainstorming the structure, format and story-telling journey that I wanted to take my readers on. Upon submitting my first draft manuscript to New Degree Press, Kristen took a deep dive into reviewing my stories, providing honest, transparent, affirmative and positive feedback; she both approved my manuscript for publishing and directed my focus towards how I can evolve my writing.

In the midst of my preorder campaign, my third and final editor, John worked alongside me to further revise my writing, manifest my intentions, ideas and aspirations for my book, and advised me along the way even beyond my publishing day. He helped to transform my book into more than a side passion of mine — it became an accomplishment that I am and will always be proud of!

To Karina, Kristen, and John — thank you for staying by my side throughout this entire process, for all the late night calls, brainstorming sessions and continued guidance.

I couldn’t publish my first book without a magnificent cover to compliment my writing. For a few short weeks, the Head of the Art Department at New Degree Press, Gjorgji and my illustrator, Andrea worked to bring my ideas to life. I envisioned having an individual on a journey, heading towards the light and emerging from the darkness being emulated on my cover — depicting what the last eight plus years of my life have been like for me. Andrea went above and beyond — creating a cover that deserves to be showcased at a museum like a masterpiece.

To Gjorgji and Andrea, thank you for designing a cover that speaks volumes — more than a thousand words — and captures the true essence of what unfolds in the very pages of my book.

Finally, in addition the writing and publishing a book, this book program brought a strong community of fellow authors into my life. Although there were scores of authors I had the greatest pleasure of meeting, chatting with and becoming inspired by their stories, there are a few authors in particular that I need to specific acknowledge:

Elizabeth Ivanecky, Nick D’Souza, Brandon Posivak, Krya Ann Dawkins, Tiffany Mosher, Carly Newberg, Priyanka Surio and Haley Newlin.

These eight authors (who form a fellowship including myself and have officially published their own books by the time this article is published as well) were wonderful blessings on this book writing journey. We relentlessly supported each other during all the stressors and the celebrations that this book writing program brought us. Through the platforms of zoom calls, text messages, pre-order campaigns and social media posts, we lifted each other up, had brainstorming and writing sessions and simply chatted like we have known each other for years.

Writing this book would not have been truly rewarding without having these seven authors walking alongside me through the thick and thin, all seven of us on our own yet interlaced journeys.

To my fellow published authors, thank you for your friendship and for being an inspiration. This book program has truly binds us together and it is only the beginning for us.

There is no shortage of gratitude that I have for my team at New Degree Press during the past several months of writing, revising, editing and working on Beyond Life’s Moments. Without them, this book wouldn’t have been published, written or have the capacity to inspire others.

I could keep going and going thanking my editing/publishing team and fellow authors because I know that they will always be a part of my beyond.

Stay tuned for more articles going in depth on my book. Beyond Life’s Moments is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and where most books are sold in ebook and paperback formats! Check out it today and dive into your beyond!

Here is the link:

