Save the Leaning Tower of Reading

Ellen Girardeau Kempler
Beyond the Bucket List
1 min readJan 17, 2015

REWIRE your brain: Visit your Leaning Tower of Reading and travel by the book before it’s too late.

(Illustration: Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons)

If you’re a writer or a word person, your Leaning Tower of Reading is probably precariously perched near your nightstand. If you’re often online, you may not visit this bedside landmark regularly. When you do, you may make very little progress in even skimming one chapter off the top level before falling asleep.

The sad fact of life online: all those followers, shares and hits might drive your business, but they won’t save this threatened landmark, which is beginning to look more like its Italian namesake every day. I urge you to visit the Leaning Tower of Reading before it topples, along with all the writers, publishers and book lovers who have devoted their lives to building these monuments to literacy all over the world.

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Ellen Girardeau Kempler
Beyond the Bucket List

Award-Winning Writer. Book: 30 Views of a Changing World (@FLPress 2017). Clips: L.A. Times, CSM, Atlantic, CultureTrip, Huff Post... “I dwell in possibility.”