Getting Started With Flutter 2.0

A Programming Framework For Godspeed

Beyond Boundaries
Beyond the Dev Life


Build your own app because there is nothing in the App Store (or Play Store, for that matter) that fits your needs. Wouldn’t that be something? The only problem is that not everyone can slap out some working code and publish an app. It’s just not that easy, or is it?

Image by mevlutyy ( on pixabay with modifiactions by author
Image by mevlutyy on pixabay with modifiactions by author

Google’s SDK named Flutter might be the thing to make app development accessible to the broad masses. What? Google? SDK? Flutter? 2.0? I hear you ask.
Flutter is a software development kit that — WAIT. Let’s make this easy and cut the fancy vocabulary.
Google took a virtual box and threw in a bunch of functions and features for you to use. Inside this huge box, you communicate using the language dart. Flutter has all the things you want it to do. That’s it.
Let’s tip our toes inside this Flutter thing, and look at what makes it so special.

Do You Need Flutter in Your Dev-Life?

Actually, Flutter is extremely powerful and shouldn’t be taken on lightly. That is because you can develop an app for both major mobile platforms, namely iOS and Android, at the same time. You can build two different applications (not in functionality!) with only one codebase. These are literally two birds with one…



Beyond Boundaries
Beyond the Dev Life

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.