#5 How We Fool Ourselves into Thinking We’re Somewhere Else

What the Presence and Plausibility Illusion is with Richard Skarbez

Hayim Pinson
Beyond the Headset
2 min readMar 30, 2017


Richard Skarbez

Many of us in the Virtual and Augmented Reality industry are constantly thinking and experimenting with various methods on how to get the best immersion, the best experience. Whether we’re developing next generation video games, or trying to heal PTSD, we all need to understand what the core elements of Virtual Reality immersion is.

At the University of North Carolina they’ve been researching VR tech since before (some of us) were born, yet so many companies dive into VR headfirst without thinking for a second about consulting with minds who have been invested in this technology for dozens of years.

Richard Skarbez just finished writing his dissertation on Place Illusion and Plausibility Illusion, essentially what creates these illusions inside our heads and allows us to believe we’re somewhere else. This is essential to every VR experience out there and sometimes I wish more people would pay attention to the research.

Show Notes:

My talk with Fred Brooks: In the Beginning: How VR was Born, An Interview with Fred Brooks.

Ready Player One — Essential reading for all of us in the 21st century.

Henry Fuchs

Intro Song: Nicolai Heidlas — Get Up

Outro Song: Warptech — Last Summer

Click on any of the links on the left to listen to my talk with Richard on your favorite Podcasting platform!

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Hayim Pinson
Beyond the Headset

Spreading the VR gospel by talking to those who know it best