Why Community is Key at Stuart

Beyond the Last Mile
2 min readJan 18, 2019

As a last mile delivery player, Stuart relies on its fleet of independent couriers to deliver excellence in the last part of our day-to-day operations. Our Stuwies, as they’re known, are hard-working, passionate people with some truly inspiring stories. In Manchester alone we have an award-winning professional BMX rider, a British Sign Language translator and a rider who has set up a charity to help homeless people during the winter months. How do we know this? Because no matter how much we grow, we will always have a supportive and close-knit community.

By holding events across the UK throughout the year, we want all Stuwies to have the chance to come together and participate in the courier community. In December, Luke, who heads up our Manchester division, set up the first Stuwie meet up in the area. It was a chance to celebrate the holidays, as well as thank the couriers for their efforts throughout the year! It was great to see so many people show up — everyone got involved in ping pong and pool, ate all of the pizza and stocked up on some Stuwie goodies.

The Team! 🚀🚲

We met many Stuwies that evening, and they all mentioned how important community is to them. Chris, one of our riders, was pleasantly surprised at how supportive the environment at Stuart is and told us it was his favourite part about the job. He uses Stuart to train for his annual long-distance cycling competitions to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

We also found out that there’s a Fixie Crew amongst our Manchester Stuwies! These guys are serious bike enthusiasts; they spend their free time working on their fixies, modifying and updating them. A few of them were actually good friends before Stuart and joined the team as a group!

Our Manchester Captain Lulu was also there giving her team a run for their money on the pool table! She truly cares a lot about her fellow Stuwies and plays an active role in the community. A massive thanks to her for helping organise the event!

The event showed what a great array of people have decided to become couriers — as their day jobs, part time jobs, or even as a lifestyle (#fixiesforlife). It was clear to us that many riders consider working at Stuart to be unique for its strong sense of community and friendship. We hope to continue holding events to foster the great community feel that everyone knows and loves!

Looking for a community like ours? We’re hiring!

