The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Beyond the Matrix
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019

A video clip of a little dancing light may seem like a less than interesting way to start a post. However, from my perspective, that little dancing light was a critical turning point in my life.

When I first saw this light, it seemed rather odd. I was parked on a city street in an area heavily covered with trees. In addition, it was very early morning so the sun was barely in the sky.

It turns out there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for that dancing light: a little light from the sun was was being projected through a water bottle that was also sitting the car.

Regardless of how that little dancing light got there, seeing that little dancing light made me laugh. And as soon as I laughed, something that felt impossible at the time happened: I felt better.

That little dancing light brightened my day so much that I decided to spread the cheer. I sent the following message to a few close friends: “Thinking of you and sending prayers and positive energy your way.

The beautiful responses I received were overwhelming. Their kind and heartfelt words filled me with more positive energy than I have felt in a long time.

At that point, I was hooked.

I then sent out another round of positive messages of my own. In response, I received back many more blessings and much more positive energy.

I am convinced that that little dancing light was the exact type of light I needed on that particular day, at that particular time. That little light helped me to feel better on a day when feeling better seemed impossible. And, for that reason, that little dancing light feels like a miracle, a scientific fact, and a blessing.

In love, light, peace and prosperity,




Beyond the Matrix

I process complex emotions creatively using tools to “prompt” in the moment awareness — which in turn leads to clarity and mental wellness.