Bernie’s Defeat Highlights Unfairness Of Life

Rue Renegade
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2016

With the only person feeling “the burn” being Bernie, his supporters can only watch in horror as the motto “life’s not fair” is replayed over and over in their minds. After watching Hillary incite sexism by encouraging women to “stick together”, seeing her slide through the Benghazi scandal unscathed, and living in the White House before for eight years courtesy of her husband Bill, one is left questioning the intelligence of the universe. Bernie had the track record equivalent of the pope and the demeanor of Santa Clause come early. Hillary could only dream of having such a clean record. Not only is she the democratic nominee, but she’s the frontrunner for winning the presidency since she’s facing off against the human equivalent of a gorilla. Bernie supporters have the chance at making a third party candidate viable and destabilizing the American political system once they finish drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon to forget a long fought campaign. Here’s to finding hope at the bottom of that Pabst filled keg.

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Aaron is a creative writer, pirate wizard, artist, and comic that enjoys eliciting good vibes through the eyeballs that see his work.

His username is @tahowell2 on: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

