Leaving It All Behind

Rue Renegade
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2016
Source: http://www.erinmeekhof.com/

Life unfolds in the middle. When you’re unsure of things. It’s the middle part of the two headed coin. This is where the present moment is experienced.

For instance, there are optimists and pessimists.

Both beliefs are two sides of the same coin.

The middle part of the coin is what people fail to recognize. This belief is that everything just happens. Most humans have to a reason or purpose for things happening. This leads to rigid belief systems where going against it is met with criticism and obstinance.

How do you explain violent deaths to a staunch optimist?

How do you explain overcoming a health crisis to a pessimist?

Without humans, everything just happens. The concept of good and bad exist in the human mind in order to survive.

This is best illustrated through the time old question of “if a tree in a forest falls and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Does sound exist if someone is around that can hear it? Trees can’t hear another tree fall. Animals and humans could but if they aren’t around….

So there’s no right or wrong answer to the above question; it just happens.

Today marked a big turning point for myself and my beliefs or lack thereof.

I used to believe there was always “something.” Something that created us like a God. I only believed in one side of the coin. This lead to much anxiety as my beliefs told me if there was a God, then I could hold expectations of this entity.

But in my experience, I don’t know if there is something or not. God has not presented himself/herself/itself to me. I can’t positively say there is a God, in my experience.

This lead me down the path of perceiving the universe as a random occurrence of events. Could everything here be a matter of chance?

Where the truth lies for myself is somewhere in the middle. I don’t know if there is something, and I don’t know if this is all random. And until I experience the truth, this is where my belief shall remain.

This changed my perspective on everything around me. It was like looking at everything for the first time again. The thought that all of this could be random or divinely inspired lead me to a deeper awareness.

Now if you ask me what my beliefs are, I don’t have any. I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m going to make the best of it. The inspired lack of beliefs has brought about a strength I didn’t know I had.

It has also shown me the present moment. This is all I have. Maybe your experience is different? Maybe? To change your beliefs is to experience this for yourself.

I write this to challenge the way you think. What beliefs are holding you back from achieving what you want? Explore them. It’s okay if it takes some time; or not. The choice is yours if you want to leave behind the familiarity of your personal belief system for what actually is.

The more walls you build for yourself, the slower you move in life.

Leave a heart at the doorstep if you enjoyed this read. It would mean stuff.

Aaron is a creative writer, word wizard, and comic that enjoys sending good vibes to the eyeballs that see his work.

Join his escapades through social media @tahowell2 on: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

