Local Man Offers Up Home For Trump Refugees

Rue Renegade
Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2016
Source: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/separating-politics-person-criticize-political-views-without-hurting-someone-love

JACKSONVILLE, FL — Local man Lester Cushanks (53) has offered free residence to political refugees looking to avoid Trump and his supporters for the duration of the election. He believes people will flock like chickens avoiding slaughter to his home to keep a shred of dignity during this political season.

“It’s the least I could do during these troubling times” said Lester.

The only rule he holds sacred in his home is to not talk about politics.

“When you show up on my doorstep, just look me in the eyes and nod. This way, there will be an unspoken understanding why you’re here.”

If you’re okay with a dank smell, having bars over your windows, and gunshots at all hours of the day, then Lester’s home is your home. Regardless, Lester is a saint for opening his home. More people like him will make this transition through political turmoil over the next four years an easier one. Stay safe everyone.

Aaron is a creative writer, word wizard, and comic that enjoys sending good vibes to the eyeballs that see his work.

Join his escapades through social media @tahowell2 on: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

