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5 Reasons Why Alley Renovation is the Greatest Change in FoCo

Anna Dunn
Beyond the Oval
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


The Downtown Alleys Master Plan, a long-term plan to renovate and revitalize alleyways in Fort Collins is described as “the greatest thing to happen since 1905.” It has been recognized by both Denver and Steamboat Springs as a creative way to contextualize the pre-existing space of an alleyway and turn it from a shadowed crevice in between buildings to a space for art, social gatherings, and entertainment. Here’s how alleys have improved Fort Collins:

  1. Alleyways act as outdoor galleries

Walk into any revitalized alleyway in Old Town and you will find art. If there is not a large mural on the wall, there will be a brightly painted transformer box to the side, or a colorful piano, or a uniquely shaped bike rack. Art opens up the space by making it bright and inviting, and city-commissioned art encourages and supports the local arts scene.

2. Pedestrians and bikers’ safety come first

Redesigned alleys exchange black asphalt for brick walkways and benches, which encourage the use of pedestrians and bikers. Revitalized alleyways employ a variety of methods to protect pedestrians, which vary from color-coded bricks suggesting different lanes, poles directly separating pedestrians from cars, or restricting cars access completely.

3. Alleys increase social activity.

Alleys strengthen the web of walkways that reach across town, which allow for, efficient travel and increased connections between businesses and shops. Beautified and inviting walkways encourage pedestrians to simply wander through them to discover new alcoves in town, or to gather in them to socialize. Small events such as block parties or outdoor markets could even make use of the space.

4. This increased walkability encourages economic success

More people in town to socialize means more people walking around, seeing shops and stopping by. Alleys also increase small shops' exposure to pedestrians, as it gives them more sides to advertise and attract business.

5. Walkable areas are becoming more in demand

Because of the social possibilities, economic gain, and health aspects of a walkable town, younger generations are increasingly looking for walkable downtown areas. As more millennials enter the real estate market, dense towns with high walkability are increasing in demand. Thanks to the innovation of Fort Collins’ alleys, this college town can proudly boast its value to prospective home-owners for years to come.

