5 Struggles Every Celiac Goes Through When Going out to Eat

Ellen McIntosh
Beyond the Oval
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2019

I meant it when I asked for no croutons.

With the sudden increase in people going gluten free, it is hard to know who is actually diagnosed Celiac and who is just hopping onto the healthy eating trend. However, Celiac’s understand the struggles of eating out and the anxiety that comes along with cross- contamination and an under educated wait staff.

  1. Packing a purse full of food
“Ms Bento & Summer Ennui” by lynn.gardner is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Nothing is worse for a Celiac than showing up to restaurant and finding out that the restaurant has no safe gluten free options. This is why most Celiac’s have mastered keeping a granola bar with them at all times. With the symptoms of Celiac disease consisting of nausea, fatigue and bloating, eating a granola bar, rather than a pizza, is well worth it.

2. Being suspicious to eat your food once it arrives, even though you told your waiter 3 separate times of your allergy

“detective” by olarte.ollie is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Cross contamination is a gluten free persons biggest fear. It’s the unseen gluten that has the potential to make us sick for days. With research proving that most restaurants that claim to be gluten free, continue to not take the proper precautions when preparing the food , it can be hard to trust that you won’t be glutened. Click here for a list on how to safely eat out with Celiac Disease.

3. Being told “You can have a salad”

“trying to eat healthier..” by wheresaddie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

With 1 percent of Americans being diagnosed with Celiac Disease, it is important that restaurants try to offer more than just a salad to the forced to be gluten free individuals. Plus, even when we do order a salad, no matter how many times you remind the staff no croutons, it comes out with croutons.

4. Explaining to your waiter that gluten is in other things, not just bread.

“Bread” by Tolga Kolçak is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Obviously most people are aware by now that bread has gluten. However, It is the dressings and seasonings that gluten free people are most afraid of because these are what tend to get us sick. You need to watch out for the unexpected sources of gluten.

5. Having to pay more for the gluten free alternatives

“The Ones” by agross96 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Having to pay more to eat the same food is always upsetting. Yet, its unavoidable for ensuring certified gluten free food costs more in production. But, we still will never enjoy paying more or stop complaining.

