5 Things to do While Enjoying a New Belgium Beer

Lauren Heck
2 min readSep 12, 2018


This is for anyone over the age of 21 in Fort Collins. Whether you are a local or a visitor, here is a list for any and all who want to enjoy a New Belgium beer and have some fun.

Editors Note: This section of Beyond the Oval is dedicated to the practice of content marketing, which are stories written with a specific brand’s audience in mind. The writer here chose a brand to use as a lens through which to examine life in Fort Collins. The company did not pay for this content, nor did it have any say in its substance, and thus nothing below reflects the company’s decision.

  1. Game Day Beer
Football Victory

Football is a big deal here. Go and watch the game anywhere in town. Chances are you’ll make some new friends, while rooting on your team. What is better than enjoying a cold one by a local brewery while watching the Rams win?

… Nothing

2. Brewery Tour


New Belgium's Fort Collins location is located North of Old Town. They offer a variety of tours to see how their beer is made. It allows their customers to get an inside look at the company and to see the passion that goes into each beer.

3. Indulge in pizza


Fort Collins has a plethora of pizza places, each unique. For new comers cream cheese on pizza is obscure, but once you try it, it is life changing. Go enjoy a slice of cream cheese pizza from Krazy Karl’s, Cosmos, Beau Jo’s or any other local pizza place while sipping on a Fat Tire or any of the New Belgium beers.

4. A Bike and a Beer


Being such a bike friendly town, a majority of the locals own a bike but do not worry if you are not from here or are not a bike owner there are places to rent a bike to enjoy the crisp air and beautiful scenery. Work for that beer, so you can enjoy it at the end of your ride… but not out in public because of the open container law.

5. Food Trucks

Food Truck

Almost everyday of the week a different food truck will park in front of the New Belgium Brewery for folks to indulge in some yummy food while drinking a cold beer. It is a staple here that any and all have to try at least once. It may just become your go to place for a fun time.

