5 ways to get your art fix on in Fort Collins

Matthew Ross
2 min readSep 12, 2018


By Matthew Ross

Looking for some art and culture in Old Town Fort Collins but have no idea where to start? Whether you’re looking for a museum to peruse for a few hours, a gallery to view local artists, want to check out some international culture or maybe just a stroll around town to view some street art. If so, we’ve got you covered in the following list.

The Museum of Art Fort Collins. This art museum located right on College Ave in the center of Old Town focuses on Fine Art. Currently the MOAFC has two exhibitions on the art of local artists Haley Hasler and David A. Tyrrell, both on display through October 14.

The Center for Fine Art Photography. If you’re a photography lover and enjoy seeing an artists take on the world through a lens then this is a great start for you. Featuring photography from local and international artists, the C4FAP is a great destination for photography lovers. Check out their exhibition schedule page for dates and locations of current and future exhibitions.

Gregory Allicar Museum. If you’re looking for an art experience that combines local, national and international cultures, you may want to visit this unique museum presented by Colorado State University. Located on College Avenue just across from CSU campus, you can experience art in a variety of mediums through their rotating exhibits and some permanent ones as well.

Street Art. Looking to get out of the museum and are searching for more of an outdoor art experience? Well Old Town has you covered here as well. Throughout Old Town art is featured everywhere you look. One such expression of street art in town are the famous painted pianos. One would be hard pressed to walk around town and not stumble across one of the now over 100 pianos that have been painted by a variety of local artists. Also, be sure to check out Fort Collins Gov page on art in public places page or the Bohemian Foundations page for more info.

Local Galleries. Finally, if you’re looking for a more personal and self guided art experience in Fort Collins, check out the First Friday Gallery Walk in Old Town. These self guided tours are on, you guessed it, the first Friday of every month and will take you to local galleries and exhibits around Old Town. Bests part, it’s free!

Hopefully these 5 suggestions for an art experience will get you started on learning more about local and non-local artists around Old Town and fix your cultural cravings.

