7 Changes A New Grad Experiences While Still Living in Fort Collins

Emily Naill
3 min readJan 29, 2018


Your four year college story book has just closed and it’s time to move on to ‘real’ adulthood. But alas, you have taken a job that is just miles from your alma mater (which is okay, good on you for having a job). While those still in school get to nap during the weekdays and participate in Thursday night debauchery, you are finding that both you and the town of Fort Collins are going through changes.

…and we love your turtle neck. Source-https://gph.is/20olqbK

Because the glory days cannot exist forever, here is a list detailing the thens and nows of your favorite hotspots.

1. Blue Agave not Rio

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/jimmy-fallon-tonight-falpals-YYIeKT80xZNzq/links

The food at both restaurants is arguably delicious. And what meal isn’t complete with a frozen margarita that gets you just tipsy enough to shovel 4 baskets of chips in your mouth. The main difference? Money, money, money. During school, The Rio was affordable only with the aid of Thursday night happy hours and Blue Agave was simply out of the question unless you were celebrating something huge. Now, Blue Agave is the preferred choice to treat yourself to an $8 frozen beverage. Enjoy.

2. Fuzzys on Harmony not Fuzzys on Elizabeth

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/3o7TKG97A0xwSW5Sow/html5

This change comes simply from putting distance between you and the Campus West area. Nothing wrong with it, we just think it may be worth expanding your horizons to the Harmony side of the town. Get out of your shell and try the same margarita only 4 more miles away. Because isn’t change what growing up is all about?

3. Coopersmith’s not Rec Room

Cheers from Coopersmith’s. Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/bKBM7H63PIykM/html5

For many, the Old Town Fort Collins area drastically changes upon graduation. Instead of the vomit-smelling Rec Room, try the classier Coopersmith’s just across the way. Life Hack: the patio provides an amazing people watching spot. Grab your craft brew, sit back, and watch the chaos unfold as a newfound put together man/woman. Cheers.

4. Saturdays not Thursdays

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/hangover-gif-XRJHn8eYxzWWk

Fun should not be out of reach after graduation. However, working every Friday 9–5 does not bode well with dangerous, life-ruining, hangovers. Thursdays are no longer the chosen day for fun. Saturday will now become your night. And you know what else is fabulous? You have no homework on Sunday. Enjoy that monster hangover, responsibility free.

Most of the insanely cheap drink deals fall on Thursday, but here is a guide to the happy hours of Fort Collins as to not break your bank. Hey, we still know you are on a budget.

5. Harbinger Coffee not The Alleycat

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/oZEBLugoTthxS

If you have never been studying at the Alleycat only to realize it was 3 a.m. and that screamo music is actually not helping your anxiety, did you even go to CSU? While the Alleycat will always hold a special place in our hearts, maybe try a new coffee location. One with less heavy metal and more people in business casual garb. My suggestion, Harbinger Coffee. There are several locations and they occasionally feature fancy coffee tastings. Very grown up.

6. Anything other than the CSU Rec Center

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/sLs8Ll8Qx51xm/html5

Like a bear waking from hibernation, you have just graduated and are shedding that excessive beer weight. Not to mention you are sleeping a TON more (yes, I know you grandmas and grandpas are in bed by 9 p.m.). Your pants haven’t felt so good in years, and now its time to keep up this healthy lifestyle. Good news and bad news. Good news- you don’t have to be a patron at the CSU Rec Center anymore. The years of watching that freshman finance major carry a jug of water and hog that machine, are over. Bad news- you now have to pay for the service of a gym/group fitness. But hey, we like to focus on the bright side.

7. Uncommon not Rams Village

Source- https://giphy.com/gifs/xT4uQ6BJ5e7zqfzAiY/html5

No more Rams Village and their confusing parking lots. You have moved on from your near campus crib. Look into Uncommon, a new complex near Old Town. Either way, ditch those university living digs. More good news- your neighbors are probably not as loud. Bad news- they still might be loud and you are paying more money. That’s the price you pay for adulthood my friends.

At the end of the day, even though your old University is only blocks away, you owe it to yourself to get out there and enjoy everything Fort Collins has to offer. Which is a lot.

