Could Pizza Be the Reason Fort Collins Has Such A Social Atmosphere

Lauren Bosway
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


Pizza is a very social food. I would even go as far as to say it is the most social food. Most people grew up having pizza at birthday parties and sleepovers. As you get older, you may split a pizza between friends or even share a pizza as a family.

Knowing the many memories I have made involving pizza throughout my life, I wanted to explore how others have made memories as well.

I sat down with Sarah Robbins, a sophomore at Colorado State University, to see how pizza has been involved in all stages of her life so far.

Q: Do you have a favorite pizza place in Fort Collins?
A: My favorite pizza place in Fort Collins is Krazy Karl’s.

Q: What memories do you have at Krazy Karl’s?
A: I have fun memories talking with friends and late night pizza runs.

Q: What do you associate pizza with?
A: I associate pizza with parties or hanging out with friends since it is an easy and cheap food to purchase, and everybody likes food. I also associate pizza with memories of birthday parties especially at places like the park or Jump Street.

Q: You mentioned before having memories of birthday parties with pizza, how has pizza played a part in other memories from different stages of your life?
A: One of my favorite memories of pizza is that my friends and I get Krazy Karl’s almost every time we go on night drives in the mountains and around Horsetooth, and those were some of the most fun nights. Also, in high school my friends and I would get pizza and ice cream after basketball games on Friday nights.

I think for a lot of people, we don’t always realize the small things, like pizza, that connect us together and are involved in a lot of our happier memories. Given that the Fort Collins community is such a social and welcoming group, it is very fitting that our community is surrounded by many different pizza places.

Pizza, the cheap, quick food served at most parties and social events, can be the driving force in bringing people together or even bribing people to attend an event. It’s the social food that no one thinks twice about, but it is involved in a lot of our day to day lives. We surround happy events and our favorite people around pizza.

With Fort Collins having over 20 different pizza places, its no surprise that we have an overwhelmingly social community.

