Do’s & Don’ts: How to Pick Up a Chick

Trying to take a girl home?

Janet Barrientos
Beyond the Oval
3 min readFeb 29, 2016


In my previous article, I revealed the top 7 places to find a hookup although convincing a girl to come over to your place can be a difficult feat on its own. So I have gathered two of the best women to provide you all the knowledge a guy needs to get a girl. Sorry ladies, this one is for the guys.

When a guy approaches a girl at a bar or at a party, that could be quite intimidating, so being fully prepared would be a one up in our eyes. For the sake of this article, I interviewed two CSU woman who discussed the do’s and don’ts that a guy should do. These two women have remained anonymous (you can listen below and hear what they have to say) but understand that these are synonymous responses that any woman would say. I have met these women at a recent Passion Party we attended (if you don’t know what that is, check out my last article). We began talking, and this idea for an article sparked. These should be helpful when picking up almost (not all! Don’t get too excited) any girl.

You’re welcome.

So let’s get to it.

Q: What are the top moves a guy should do to get a girl home?

Girl 1: First things first, buy us a drink.

Girl 2: Drinks are nice. Sometimes that doesn’t work though, you have to pick a good one… The more you spend the more impressed we will be.

Girl 2: Next, don’t say anything creepy.

Girl 1: Yeah, no saying ‘What’s up, baby? What are you doing tonight?’ That’s too much.

Girl 2: And you’re coming in way too strong, and then they get scared.

Girl 1: Go over with the intentions of being friends, like saying ‘Hey what’s up, how’s your night going?’ Then we can talk about that freaky sh*t later.

Q: Do pick up lines work?

Girl 2: That sh*t will be funny, and it gets you laughing, which is always good. Laughing is good. But if he is trying to be super serious… that’s creepy.

Girl 1: If he’s like ‘in a joking matter I’m using this pick up line’… then oh cool… I’m kind of intrigued.

Q: How would buying or bringing a drink work at a party?

Girl 2: At a party you would be like ‘hey wanna go get a drink?’…

Girl 1: Or ‘here’s a beer’…

Girl 2: And make sure it’s closed because girls will be like ‘I don’t want to get roofied so I’ll go get my own drink.’

Most importantly…

Girl 1: Keep us talking. Engagement. Be open to discussion…

Girl 2: Ask questions, because apparently girls like to talk about themselves.

* Pause

Girl 1: Yeah we do.

Q: What are the moves guys shouldn’t do when at a bar or party?

Girl 1: Don’t touch us. Do not smack our butts. Do not do any type of physical contact.

Girl 2 : Don’t be a creep of any kind, and we touched on that already.

Girl 1 & 2: Don’t stare too much.

Girl 1: Try not to hit on every girl at the bar [or party].

Girl 2: Don’t continue to pursue a girl if you know they’re not interested. You can tell in the beginning if they’re into it or not… Don’t stay there and think you’re going to push your way into her life, because it’s not going to happen.

And last but not least…

Girl 1: Show us that you’re interested in f*cking…

Girl 2: But not in a creepy way, don’t be like ‘hey ya’ll, we’re f*cking later?’

Girl 1: Show us that you’re into us… drop a hint that’s like ‘I’m with it’ and if we’re with it that night, it’s going to happen.

This is all very valuable information to know the next time you’re out on the town. Whether you’re making your rounds in Old Town bars or you’re at a local house party, this will help a little more with your game.

To hear a full interview and get all the explicit details, check it out here:

