Five Volunteer Opportunities that Embody the ‘Spirit’ of Fort Collins

B Nash
Beyond the Oval
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2016

Earth-loving college students aside, it’s no secret to Fort Collins’ residents that their city is a hub for sustainability, locally sourced products, and environmentally conscious companies. With a plethora of agricultural projects, community-based work, and care-free individuals that simply want to see others live better lives, Fort Collins has a spirit of ecological justice that is easy to feel upon getting to know the city. Here are five outside the box volunteer opportunities offered in Fort Collins that will cultivate your sense of community in extremely satisfying ways.

  1. The Growing Project

Working to promote community through food security, poverty relief, and environmental justice, The Growing Project is a proud non-profit that exists mostly in part to its dedicated volunteers. As Fort Collins is home to 73% of Larimer County’s poverty-stricken population, there is an acute need for knowing how and where food is produced. The Growing Project strives to create a socially just manner of maintaining food as a human right. Through education, gardening, farm food distribution and many other community events, volunteers can invest their time towards fellow humans in Fort Collins and empower them through sustainable means. The Growing Project is always looking for volunteers and the jobs include gardening, learning, educating, organization, and even design. If you’d like to know more head on over to the Hope Farm at 1601 N. Shields.

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2. FoCo Cafe

Again focused on the ideal of a healthy and just community, the FoCo Cafe opened in 2014 and is bent on providing “nutritious and delicious” meals for anyone, regardless of how much money they have. The ingredients are locally-grown and the restaurant runs almost solely on volunteer work. Anyone is welcome to the Cafe community and individuals are encouraged to donate their time, materials, and services. If you are interested in the FoCo Cafe mission check them out at 225 Maple St. on the north end of Old Town.

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3. Happy Heart Farm

Playing to the tune of locally-sourced food and feeding many families in need, the Happy Heart Farm began raising funds in 2009 to share their harvest with others. Through the biodynamic farming system, food is grown without the negative effects of artificial fertilizers and produces higher yielding crops, better flavor, and more nutrients. Volunteers are taught how to farm and how to passionately provide for those that are unable to provide for themselves. All of this is done while maintaining a first-hand accountability to the earth. Visit their location at 2820 W. Elizabeth St. for more information.

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4. Food Bank for Larimer County

Every year, the Food Bank for Larimer County provides for more than 35,000 people that are in need. Their commitment to people spans far and wide from veterans to students to a family that is getting on their feet. The non-profit organization offers a fresh food pantry, nutrition programs, and a food link program that connects organizations with clients. Volunteers are always needed for each of these programs and generally constitute a weekly time commitment. Opportunities range from kitchen assistants that serve meals and snacks to kids, to food share assistants that link clientele with the Food Bank’s fresh pantry. To become part of this 2,500+ volunteer community visit the Food Bank at 1301 Blue Spruce Drive, north of Old Town Fort Collins.

photo credit: Estes Park News

5. Everyday Joe’s Coffee House

Another interesting volunteer opportunity in Fort Collins that operates on community vibes is Everyday Joe’s Coffee House. Offering finely brewed coffee and loose-leaf teas, this establishment runs with only two paid employees and 40+ volunteers. Their mission is an outreach of Timberline Old Town Church and welcomes anyone and everyone through its doors if they are in need of a care-free job, audio-operations experience (the Coffee House is also a live-show venue), or simply a darn good cup of coffee. Striving to provide Fort Collins with a peaceful place to enjoy friends, coffee, and time, Everyday Joe’s not only fosters community, but also gives back to it. Grab a fresh latte and learn more at 144 S Mason St.

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