Fort Collins Eats Q&A

Alex Fleming
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Eating out late at night is a staple for college students, and finding one to elaborate on their favorite place to grab a bite after midnight was simple.

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I was able to chat with a Colorado State University Senior named Emily. She is in there last semester of studying health and exercise science and is going to graduate this summer. Being a senior who has attended CSU for eight semesters now, I found her to be perfect for elaborating on the topic.

She to seemed to love pizza like most all of us, so I did some quick research on why everyone seems to love pizza. It ranges from the how its almost impossible to not like the taste, to how it brings people together, like a community activity.

Being that your are a senior, I’m sure you have had your fair share of late night cravings for food. Where do you usually go after midnight?

Cosmos, they have really tasty pizza and the later it is (the more drunk you are) the better it tastes.

Say Cosmos was closed that night, where would you go next and why?

I guess I would go to Slyce… but Cosmos is never closed so that wouldn’t happen.

Image from Slyce’s website

So your go to late night food is pizza.. why would you not want to go to Krazy Karls?

I guess its just where the crowd always goes, it’s usually really busy. We are also typically on foot so if we are downtown we got Slyce. If not, Cosmos because its just what you do, its just an unspoken rule.

Image from Cosmos Website

So since Cosmos is your favorite, what do you usually order?

Basically anything that I can put their spicy ranch on because it is amazing. Usually just a slice, because they are the size of a small child.

How do you go about managing the large slices, what is your technique for eating them?

You have to eat it like a taco, folded in half, otherwise it is unmanageable.

Have you ever ordered delivery from them, If so how was the experience?

Only once… it was a large. Split between three people, but I kid you not it was about three feet in diameter. We actually hung the box on our wall as a trophy for finishing it in once sitting.

Brings to question why everyone seems to love Cosmos but they only have a three star rating on Yelp..

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