Hold your Horses Halloween- September Isn’t Over Yet

Savannah Sherman
Beyond the Oval
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2019

5 Great Events Happening this month in Fort Collins.

Locals know Fort Collins is a small town full of life and culture, and with the growing populations, they are working hard to keep it that way. The Historic downtown center is home to an imponderable amount of restaurants, breweries, bars, and venues; many places being a mix of two or three. With venues like the Aggie Theater, and lounges like The Downtown Artery, there is no limit to the fun brought to town in these 5 great events you probably didn’t know were happening:

“215” by grotos is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  1. Blocklisted Media Presents: Autumn Moon

The Downtown Artery hosts more than just concerts, they host DANCE PARTIES. Join the fun at the Autumn Moon event- a costume contest/dance party. For only $10, we can make sure that everyone remembers the 21st night of September.

2.) Songwriters in the Round: Liz Barnes

On September 18th esteemed Colorado musician Liz Barnes will host an event at the Magic rat Lounge. This event will feature Barnes playing her music whilst diving deep into her inspirations and songwriting process. For singer/songwriters, and any die hard music fan, this event is a must.

Listen to Some of Barnes’ Music here.

3. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets w/ Meatbodies, Serpentfoot, My Dog Ate Chad.

If a headline like that doesn’t peak your interest, I’m not sure what will. Hosted at the Aggie on September 18th, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, an Australian funk/rock band will be visiting with friends to rock the Aggie.

Check out More Events at the Aggie.

“File:Ruthie Foster at Liri Blues 2010.jpg” by Sardognunu is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

4. Ruthie Foster

On the outside, Fort Collins may not seem like a town to hold a powerhouse of blues events, and yet her come Ruthie Foster. An absolute powerhouse of a vocalist she is accompanied by her good friend, Liz Barnes, sound familiar? Join Ruthie and Liz on September 19th at the Armory.

Check out some of Ruthie Music Here.

5. Noah Gunderson

Musician Noah Gundersun is putting on a show September 28th, not only as a concert, but a special album release party. He will feature unreleased acoustic songs, host a meet greet, and sign autographs.

Check Out Noah’s Music Here.

