Is Krazy Karl’s as Good as Everybody in Fort Collins Thinks It Is?

Let’s ask a random CSU student

Austin Lux
Beyond the Oval
3 min readSep 30, 2016


Everyone in Fort Collins is aware of the general obsession with the infamous Krazy Karl’s pizza. While many people love it, there are some die-hards out there who are not convinced (my professor).

I conducted a live interview with a fellow named Andrew Marca on the CSU campus. He is a random student at CSU who claims to enjoy KK’s. I wanted to see what he had to say about some of the popular loves and hates about the pizza joint.

Q: What is your overall opinion of Krazy Karl’s Pizza?

Marca: “It is easily my favorite pizza in Fort Collins. It is the perfect place to end a Friday or Saturday night because it is always hopping late on the weekends. Also, the prices are really good and I love having cream cheese on my pizza. The Krazy Hawaiian is my personal favorite.”

Q: One of the largest complaints is the wait times during busy hours. Do you still think that it is worth the wait?

Marca: “I guess the wait can be bad on the weekends. I have waited up to two hours for a pizza before. I still love the taste though and the wait isn’t that bad during less busy hours.”

Q: I once had a server that entered more tip that what I gave him, so I have a bad opinion of the service. Have you ever felt this way towards the wait staff?

Marca: “I mean I don’t order Krazy Karl’s for the service, but I understand how that would be really upsetting. They do not stand out for service, but I still love the pizza.”

Q: Does the price/deals play a large factor in your opinion?

Marca: “Absolutely. It is way cheaper than other pizza in Fort Collins such as Cosmo’s. You can buy an entire pizza at 5p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays at KK’s for the same price as a single slice at Cosmo’s. It is a great option for a college student, especially for how good it tastes.”

Q: That leads me to ask, do you really think that the quality is that good?

Marca: “I mean, it is obviously cheap college pizza, but it tastes so good. The options, such as cream cheese toppings, makes KK’s a very unique, delicious option that is only found in Fort Collins. It may not be gourmet, but I think the quality is legendary for cheap college pizza.”

Q: After looking at all the details, what is your new overall opinion of Krazy Karls? Do you think it is worth the hype?

Marca: “I understand how the wait time and service definitely does not live up to the hype, but college kids don’t care about that as much. It is cheap and the pizza tastes good. Therefore, I think it is worth the hype to college students because it is unmatched in delivering what the college student wants.”

So there you have it! According to Mr. Marca, Krazy Karls is worth the hype to anyone trying to indulge in a college meal at college prices. However, it is understandable that my professor does not find it as appealing. Either way Professor Humphrey, KK’s has the hype. Sooner or later you will have to accept that cream cheese pizza is the future.

