Living Vegetarian in a College Town

Beyond the Oval
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2015

Hi there! Are you a first year student in the dorms tired of figuring out what mystery meat makes up the “chicken” at Corbett dining center? Or whether or not the steak in that pasta bowl you got at Durrell is going to make you sick later. Maybe you’ve already done your time in the dorms and just don’t have the money to be buying meat all the time, it’s OK, neither did I! Stress not young grasshopper, because here are some pro tricks of the trade to become your very own vegetarian Sensei in this meat obsessed world we live in- AKA college.

When in doubt, ASK!

There are plenty of times I would be out and about in Old Town with my friends and awkwardly hold up the waiter or waitress with my thousands of questions about whether or not something on the menu has a hidden meat product in it. Never be afraid to ask because you don’t want to be sick later!

Know which kind of vegetarian you want to be!

Many people who become vegetarian don’t know what kind of vegetarians they want to be. For some, like me, Lacto-Vegetarianism was the best option because I could still feed my need for cheese, but didn’t have to eat eggs anymore. However many people enjoy fish too much to be able to completely give it up, becoming a pescatarian is the perfect option for them.

Economic values of becoming vegetarian

Being a vegetarian has many perks, one of them being that veggies cost a whole lot less than meat. On a college student's budget it’s pretty fabulous to only spend $20 getting fruits and vegetables that will last over a week, instead of the same amount for meat that will only last a few days.

Statistics taken from:

Meat eater: $14.65

Vegetarian: $12.45

Pescatarian: $12.70

Vegan: $11.15

Remember: It’s YOUR decision!

People are going to try to talk you into eating what they want you to eat, whether that be the bar food at the restaurants in Old Town, or that side of bacon that comes with a stack of pancakes from Snooze. Do what is best for your health, know that there are options available for every dietary need.

