Mary Mountain Cookies

Not every morning breakfast is low in calories.

Challanne Finn
2 min readSep 29, 2015
Original Photo Credit

How often do you go buy a nice freshly baked cookie? If you are like Tomas Arguello, a third year Colorado State University student, then every Thursday morning would be your answer. Mary Mountain Cookies is considered to be “the best in town,” according to Arguello.

Q: What is your favorite cookie at Mary Mountain Cookies?

A: My favorite cookie probably has to be the homemade chocolate chip depending on the day, or the chocolate macadamia nut. They are to die for!

Q: What would you recommend?

A: All! If you are feeling adventurous, then you can’t go wrong getting any cookie. And if you don’t like cookies then you just don’t go there.

Q: Why would you choose Mary Mountain Cookies over any other place in Fort Collins?

A: One, because of the size of the cookies is massive like the size of your face. Two, just the fact that they taste homemade, being from a mass produced area, which is increasingly impressive.

Q: How many cookies do you buy when you go?

A: Three! After one you can’t stop so you eat two and then you can’t stop. Once you hit three it is perfect and hits the spot.

Q: Would you work at Mary Mountain Cookies?

A: I would not work there because I would eat all the cookies and gain 20 pounds. Also, because I am not very good at retail or baking.

Q: Did you know that you can ship or order cookies to be delivered to you from “Order Up”?

A: That’s a game changer. No, I did not know that! But now that I do know that I would probably ship cookies out once a month and have them delivered to me every day.

Q: When you walk into Mary Mountain Cookies what is your favorite aspect of the environment?

A: The smell. You open the door and the smell of freshly baked cookie just hits you square in the face, and then you are just like, “Aw, this place is awesome!” I also like the little window breakfast bar that you can sit at, eat a cookie, and people watch.

Q: What would you change about Mary Mountain Cookies?

A: Their cookies are essentially perfect, the ambiance is perfect, but maybe if they would sell better coffee or other things to compliment the cookies such as hot cider or hot cocoa.

Q: If you could come up with a cookie and sell it at Mary Mountain Cookies, what would it be?

A: It would be called the Reese’s Explosion. It would be a peanut butter cookie with two whole Reese’s peanut buttercups baked in and then drizzled with chocolate and caramel on top. That would be my cookie!



Challanne Finn

Colorado State University| Fourth Year Student| Double major in Journalism and Media Communications & Communication Studies