Meanwhile at Trader Joe’s…

Sarah Lark
Beyond the Oval
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2017

Have you ever taken time out of your day to understand the emotions you experience and how you go about dealing with them? That is, when you’re feeling depressed due to all things going seemingly wrong in your life, do you lay in your bed at night with a blank expression on your face? Or, perhaps when you’re overjoyed from that first, gentle kiss shared with the one that has been on your mind for the past two months, do you sporadically dance throughout the house with your favorite sappy artist blaring from the stereo? Everybody handles their emotions differently, and I am all for individuality. But for me….

I grocery shop.

Yes. You did read that correctly. No matter what emotion I’m dealing with, I quickly grab my wallet and head out the door to the one grocery store that truly knows how to alleviate my busy mind: Trader Joe’s.

I shop at this wonderful grocery store when I’m angry with my mom for being selfish, when I’m stressed out about how little is in my bank account, when I’m over-the-moon about that one video I shot flawlessly… Every little sentiment I endure, Trader Joe’s is the destination where I internalize it.

This is probably around the time where you’re questioning my “coolness”. Go ahead, question it. Let’s be real, I would rather be thought of as weird than cool.

Trader Joe’s has innumerable things to offer that other grocery stores don’t and can’t. Things like a friendly staff, healthy, quality food, and delicious dark chocolate that will keep you going back for more. I can promise you that no matter what your mood is, Trader Joe’s will be there to help ease your predicaments, or good fortunes for that matter.

Let’s say you’re having a shitty day, beginning from when your alarm didn’t go off in time. Now you’re frustrated, irritable with how your morning is starting off. Even the slightest thing, such as a pedestrian taking their sweet ass time walking across what seems to be the length of an ocean, makes your blood boil and you’re face redden with anger. Take a deep breath, and head over to Trader Joe’s after you are finished with where you’re needed to be. It’ll serve as a little treat to look forward to. The instant you walk in, go straight for samples located in the back right corner of the store. Try whatever is out on display, because if you do, add it to the cart. After all, you are treating yourself.

Continue your journey towards the frozen novelties. Pick out a frozen dessert, any kind because I can assure you they all taste scrumptious, but read each label thoroughly. TIP: Reading ingredients you can actually pronounce will help relieve the stress built up in your brain. Then proceed to the checkout lanes where you’ll meet some of the nicest, most enthusiastic employees (not the annoying ones). They won’t only ask you how your day is going, they will actually listen and respond in such a way that makes them seem genuinely interested; and they are! You’ll be leaving there with a bag full of goodness and a smile that’s looking less contentious.

More often than not I exhibit physical reactions to my anxiety. It can be a pit feeling in my stomach, or a continuous fast-paced heartbeat that refuses to cease. These notions like to keep me company, so I need to be preoccupied. Instead of working out my frustrations like healthy people do, I go shop for food at TJs. Sometimes searching for healthy products eases your tensions, because you know you’re doing something right for your well-being. At Traders Joe’s, it’s not hard to shop mindfully; it’s quite simple, given their fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and also pre-packaged meals. On days where my anxiety is at its peak, I spend a good thirty minutes to an hour in the store. Wandering around the aisles and carefully choosing what I’m going to spend my money on distracts my train of thought from traveling elsewhere, sometimes putting a permanent halt to it.

On days where you’re not frustrated or when I’m not overly-anxious, going to a get a thing or two at Trader Joe’s can still be pleasurable. If you’re beaming with happiness and contentment with life, delight those feelings with a smooth, creamy TJs dark chocolate bar. That’s what I do when I’m glimmering with sheer confidence. Let’s face it, feeling this way is a rarity in today’s society. You need to acknowledge this feeling and reward it, letting it know to come back as much as it desires.

There are a bountiful of grocery stores out there in the Fort Collins area, but each one is lacking what Trader Joe’s encompasses. The employees are literally dispersed throughout the store to ensure reliability in case customers have questions. As far as their food goes, it’s cheap and delicious! For instance, they offer a variety of cheeses that are under $5, a deal you can’t find anywhere else. It’s small, spacious atmosphere makes you feel welcomed compared to other gigantic super markets. You won’t end up getting lost, something Walmart can’t guarantee. They’re all about your convenience.

Some may argue that it’s stupidly easy to walk into TJ’s with one item in mind and leave with a cartful, but that’s the beauty of their delicious variety. Other shoppers who tend to be introverted may prefer stores with a self-checkout system, or stores that are located near them. All of this is fine, but you must know that TJ’s will be there to comfort you, provide you solace, be that shoulder to cry on, and to reassure your optimistic attitude.

I can go on and on for hours about how fabulous this store is, but I think you get the gist of it.

So, next time you’re feeling, well, really anything, head on over to Trader Joe’s and pick out a handful of items. Whether it’s the gooey double dark chocolate cookie dough, the spicy Southwest Chicken Salad, or the creamy Jalapeño and Cilantro Greek Yogurt Dip, your mind will be at peace and your thoughts returned to normality.

