Old Town Yoga Studio Review

Raini otto
Beyond the Oval
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

Every yogi practices yoga for an individual endeavor and each studio offers a different practice to meet the needs of its clients. Unlike Core Power Yoga, an upbeat studio where you’ll definitely burn a sweat, Old Town Yoga Studio offers a quaint and relaxing feel to get in touch with your inner self.

The first steps into Old Town Yoga, you’re hit with the serene ambiance of the venue. The old, brick walls and wooden floors give the studio a worn-down but loved feel. It is bright and warm, and offered a zen vibe.

Greeted by friendly, experienced yoga instructors you instantly feel comfortable and welcomed. For first timers like myself, practicing at a new venue can be intimidating, but this was not the case.

The practice itself was slow, spending fifteen or more seconds in each pose. Lengthening, breathing, reflecting. To the beat of slow, calming music, the instructor had offered variations with each move, allowing yogis of all experience to feel comfortable yet challenged. Ending the class with fifteen minutes of savasana pose was immensely relaxing. The restorative class is perfect for anyone who wants to relax after a long week.

I would recommend Old Town Yoga studio to any yogi, no matter the season of experience, but Old Town Yoga may not the be the studio of choice for some. People looking for a restorative, gentle practice will find Old Town Yoga a perfect fit, but those who want to break a sweat may want to practice else where. Old Town Yoga offers your first class free and discounts for students if it is the right fit for you.

