Photo Story: How to Make Swedish Meatballs

Veronika Mirkovic
2 min readSep 25, 2016


By: Veronika Mirkovic

We all know that food is so much more than just food. It is comfort, love, and culture. For international students living in the USA, it can be an easy way to connect to home if you’re feeling homesick or lonely.

To escape the American life for a while, and taste a new experience: Here’s a quick guide on how to make Swedish Meatballs.
Since I’m from Sweden..
And meatballs are life..

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Step 1: Get all the ingredients above. Don’t forget salt and pepper!

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Step 2: Chop it all up (except the ground beef, hopefully it’s already chopped) and mix.

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Step 3: Roll the mix to however big you want your meatballs to be.

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Step 4: Fry the meatballs in a pan until they are golden brown.

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Step 5: Serve with potatoes, lingonberry jam, brown sauce. And a Swedish flag.

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Step 6: If all fails, you know where to go. (Yes, they serve food)

Bon Appétit!

