Q&A: 15 Years and Counting at The Rainbow Restaurant

Jen Leonard
Beyond the Oval
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2017

Kathleen Grant never thought that when she started working as a server at The Rainbow Restaurant in Fort Collins in 2003 that she’d still be here today. But, it just kind of happened. Now, 14 years later, she can’t imagine being anywhere else. I chatted with her about what it’s been like to work at the Rainbow, how Fort Collins has changed over the years, and why Sally is her favorite customer.

How did you start working at The Rainbow Restaurant?

Grant: I started working at the Rainbow almost 14 years ago. Back then, my best friend worked here as a cook and when I needed a job, she put in a good word for me.

What made you want to stay at The Rainbow?

Grant: First, I’d like to point out that it was never my intention to be such a long time server, but it just sort of ended up that way. Some general reasons include the fact that this was the first place that I had ever worked since moving to Fort Collins where I didn’t need to have a second job to supplement my income. Also, it’s a great place to work. The people are awesome, the owners are great and, despite how corny it may sound, it’s extremely satisfying to be a part of giving people a good experience.

Although you didn’t think you would stay at The Rainbow Restaurant for so long, it seems like it’s been a great fit for you.

Grant: Definitely. On a more personal note regarding why it is that I have stayed at Rainbow for so long actually has to do with my mother. Over the last ten years, she has had two different types of cancer, suffered a major heart attack, got cataracts, had a double hernia, been hospitalized long term due to infection and has been diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome. There have been many, many surgeries on top of many complications that each ailment presents and as her sole family and primary caregiver, there has been a lot required of me.

Has The Rainbow been helpful during these tough times?

Grant: What’s been so amazing about working at the Rainbow has been the amount of support I have gotten with these circumstances. If I needed extended periods of time off with absolutely no notice, they gave it to me with no questions asked. If I needed extra shifts to make some quick cash for bills or whatnot, they gave them to me. If I burst into tears mid shift from being completely overwhelmed, my bosses were there to listen. Overtime, the owners and co-workers at the Rainbow have become like family and with that there is a sense of loyalty that makes the idea of getting a different job not so appealing.

That’s great that they have been so supportive through everything. Since you’ve loved working at the Rainbow for so long now and have served plenty of people, would you say that the CSU and Fort Collins overall has changed throughout the years?

Grant: I’m not sure I am one that can really speak of any specific changes regarding CSU or Fort Collins. In general, though, it seems that the population of both has grown quite a bit and in regards to the Rainbow it has been good for business. We have had regular customers that have been coming to the Rainbow daily since I first started and a day rarely goes by when someone doesn’t mention that they are a first timer at our place.

What time of day is your favorite to serve customers?

Grant: My favorite time of day to serve would be in the mornings. I think it’s more exciting for people to get to go out for breakfast. Maybe because it’s not something people do most days. That being said, they always seem to be in good moods and are up for more friendly interaction.

Speaking of friendly interactions, have you built any special relationships with regular customers over the years?

Grant: I have many regular customers but the one that comes to mind is a lady named Sally. She comes in every day, eats the same thing and is just one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. She’s always the one that asks about your life and you can tell she really cares because she always remembers the details of what you tell her. She’ll always ask me about how my mom is doing.

For people who maybe have never been to Rainbow Restaurant, what would you recommend that they order when they come in?

Grant: For breakfast, my favorite is the Jim Burrito, and for lunch, the Spinach Quesadilla. But when I really want to go all out, I’ll get the Pumpkin Bread French Toast. It’s so good.

If you’ve ever considered visiting Rainbow Café, it’s located at 212 W. Laurel St., across the street from the CSU campus. Have you visited the Rainbow before? Have a favorite dish? Let me know in the comments below!

