Q&A: A Detailed Look into the Local Burger Scene

Josh Dolan
6 min readSep 29, 2016


Jesus Reyes has a unique craving for burgers and he wants to share his experiences with the rest of the Beyond the Oval community. He is a sophomore at Colorado State University and has come to Fort Collins for that reason. He is from Fort Morgan, Colorado so he has not had to travel to far. This proved to be of interest in the interview, as it is nice to compare Fort Collins burger joints to other cities. Reyes is a lover of food in general and really enjoys a great burger. What really makes Reyes perfect for this interview is he has been to all of the main burger joints in Old Town. This really allowed him to elaborate on what the local burger joints can offer. This interview was conducted in person.

Josh: You have now lived in Fort Collins for two years, how do the burger joints in Old Town compare to previous experiences you have had outside of Fort Collins?

“Honestly, the burgers are way better here.”

Jesus: There is really no comparison. Where I come from (Fort Morgan), we have more of the basic burger joints like McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy’s. I was shocked when I came here to see the uniqueness of the restaurants offered in this town. I actually had to do some research online before going to get a burger. In Fort Morgan, everyone knows the experience and quality of burgers at Burger King or Wendy’s for example. Whereas when I came to Fort Collins, I had never heard of a Big Al’s or Stuft which intrigued me.

Josh: It seems you have had a wide range of burger experiences. How does your experience at a place like Stuft for example, compare to a more laid-back place that you would go to in Fort Morgan like Wendy’s?

Jesus: It does not compare. Wendy’s is more of a laid back place that is really cheap. I went to Stuft and had the buffalo burger and was amazed. You can tell the difference in the quality of the burger from the first bite to the last. Sure it is more expensive, but I would much rather pay for a quality level burger that fully satisfies my craving rather than a cheap burger that is most likely going to upset my stomach a couple hours after I eat it.

Josh: Have you had any bad experiences at any of the restaurants in town?

Jesus: I would not say I have had any bad experiences. This does not mean everyplace is perfect though.

Josh: So every place you have been to you would say has been pretty satisfactory?

Jesus: Yeah, I was not thrilled with The Mayor of Old Town so I do not really have an urge to go back there. It was by no means an awful experience either, I just did not find the food to be all that great.

Josh: So you could recommend every other place ranging from Old Town to Five Guys on Elizabeth?

Jesus: Oh yes, most definitely.

Josh: A lot of people might differ in what you like in comparison to what they like. This leads me to ask a pivotal question. When you envision your dream burger and overall experience, what comes to your mind and does that dream come to fruition at any certain places here?

Jesus: My dream burger consists of a Hawaiian bun with buffalo sauce, fresh lettuce, juicy bacon, American cheese, and a fat, double stacked patty, along with some fried jalapenos to top it off. As for the second part of the question, Five Guys comes really close. They do not offer the Hawaiian bun or buffalo sauce, but they offer everything else. I really like the burgers at five guys because they are really juicy and unique. Whenever I go there, they fulfill my craving for burgers and they use the perfect amount of seasoning. I also really like the jalapenos they have. Other than the burger, I really like the fact that they offer peanuts. It is the perfect thing to take my mind off of waiting for my fresh burger to be cooked. Finally, Five Guys shakes really top off the overall experience for me.

Josh: Speaking of shakes, what other aspects of a burger joint contribute to the overall quality of the business? In other words, what helps provide the full experience you are looking for besides just the burger?

“When I want a burger, I value the overall quality of the product crafted by the restaurant.”

Jesus: Of course the burger is going to be a huge part of the meal, but I want a quality drink to go along with it such as a milkshake or a unique soda that those crazy Coca Cola touch machines offer. I also really value quality fries. This is what really sets apart a Wendy’s compared to a Stuft for example. At Wendy’s, you can tell when the fries have been sitting there for a while and are getting cold and are just begging to be taken off the shelf. When you go to a fancier joint like Stuft, you can expect the fresh quality of the burger, shakes, and the fries. This really provides the full experience for me.

Josh: Bouncing off of your answer, are you alluding to Stuft as your favorite burger joint in Old Town?

Jesus: It is really tight. I have a firm top three here, which consists of Five Guys, Big Al’s, and Stuft. Five Guys provides me with a quality burger, peanuts, and good shakes. Big Al’s gives me the uniqueness of the 60/40 (60 percent beef and 40 percent bacon) burger and I enjoy their fries. Finally, Stuft gives me the sit-down environment with one of my favorite burgers in the buffalo burger. Their shakes are also top of the line, even beating Five Guys. I do not think their fries are anything special, but they do come out hot and fresh. They are also fairly expensive which is hard with my college budget. So to answer your question, I am going to have to say Five Guys because they do not really have any weaknesses and are just quality in every important category.

Josh: It sounds like you enjoy a lot of the burger restaurants around here. Have you found your absolute dream spot?

Jesus: My absolute number one burger? No way. Still have some searching to do for that. I am very content with my options here however.

Josh: I haven’t heard you talk about customer service at all. I value quality customer service when considering the logistics that comprise a great restaurant. Do you value it as well or do you care more for the product?

Jesus: I consider it to be important, but for me, I really place the most value on the product.

“I go to the restaurant for a great burger, not to make friends.”

As long as the customer service is not wasting my time and they are doing their job within reason, I am not one to complain or make a decision for where I want to go based on customer service. I know a lot of people may disagree with me, but that is just how I feel.

Josh: In that case, what do you consider to be most important when critiquing burger restaurants?

Jesus: In order, I would say freshness of the food, price, how much food you get in an entree (quantity and size of the meal), customer service, cleanliness, and finally the environment of the restaurant.

Josh: You have done an excellent job with your answers and provided great insight. Thank you so much for your time. Is there anything you would like to add for our readers?

Jesus: Try out all the places for yourself.

“Take advice from what other people say, but do not let that limit you.”

Try everything out and truly find your favorite place. Everyone is different and some people will place more value on certain things than say I will or their friend. For example, I am not a huge fan of The Mayor of Old Town as stated earlier, but some of my best friends absolutely love it. So follow your personal taste buds, not anyone else’s.

