Q & A: What college a student say about the bars in Fort Collins

Luke Veltrie
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


Bars a pretty big factor when people think of a college town. Fortunately, Fort Collins is home to Colorado State University and has very popular bars that the college students rave about. You tend to find these bars busy and full of life on either Thursdays or anytime on the weekend. Old town square has a since of feeling young and carless even if it is only for a short period of time, it allows students to have a break from studying and to enjoy what the town has to offer to them.

A junior at Colorado State, Brendan Abel, talks about how the bars can be a since a relief and also always having a story to tell the day after going out. Abel is currently studying mechanical engineering, which is one of the harder majors that CSU offers. Abel is constantly doing assignments, attending labs, and crammed with classes during the week. He explains how going out to get away from all of his responsibilities is something that make a well-balanced student. Also, he shares his favorite spots in Old Town for nights that he wants to go hard or the nights when he wants to take it easy.

What tends to be your bar of choice when you want to go out?

Abel: When I go out my group and I tend to go to most of the bars in Old Town Square. It is fun to go to all of them, but my personal favorite is Bondi. I think I like this bar so much is because you see everyone you know there. You can meet up with people that are not in your group and have a great time as a whole. Bondi is also my favorite because there a patio on the side so when it gets hot inside the bar we tend to go out and sit at the tables to take a break.

What bar in Old Town is a good place to take someone on a date?

Abel: Social, hands down. Social is a place that you could go on a date or just have a causal night with some friends. It is a speakeasy themed bar that has some of the best drinks in Fort Collins. Social is not a place for you if you want to drink heavily or you will end up with a big bill. But if you are wanting to go for a causal night then go to Social.

What is the trashiest bar that you have been to in Fort Collins?

Abel: I would say the trashiest bar would be The Rec Room. Rec Room is a place where we all go if we want to go out for a crazy night. Rec has sticky floors, loud house music, and definitely a lot of people that are there tend to have way too much to drink. But Rec is a fun place if you want to drink a lot and dance, but this would not be a good place for a date or a causal night.

Between Rec Room and Bondi, which one is your favorite?

Abel: Based on experience, Bondi is my favorite. Every time my group and I have gone to The Rec Room, it has not been the best. We have been treated poorly by the bouncers, the bar tenders only wait on the girls at the bar, and the bar tenders are not so friendly to the people at the bar. We have never been treated poorly by the bouncers at Bondi and the bar tenders make sure that everyone is taken care of and they are friendly. If I were to tell someone on to go to either Rec or Bondi, I would tell them Bondi.

Fuzzy’s or The Rio for margaritas?

Abel: Both are good, but The Rio defiantly has a better and stronger margarita. Fuzzy’s is good but they taste more watered down so that more people buy more drink in my opinion. The Rio will cut you off at three margaritas simply because they have a lot of toquilla in them. Also, the food is better at The Rio than Fuzzy’s but Fuzzy’s is a place for a quick bite to eat and a quick margarita.

No matter who you talk to, everyone has a different opinion about where they like to go on a night out. College students tend to voice their opinion about where the best drink is around town because they tend to think that they are very cultured in the bar seen. When picking a place to go make sure you explore all the options and not just focus on one set place.

Source: GIPHY

