A glimpse of what it’s like being a minority amidst recent events: Q&A with Eden Berhe

Gisele Bair
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


Here I interviewed Eden Berhe,a senior who attends Colorado State University who identifies as a Black/African woman. She shares her thoughts about events that have happened on campus dealing with diversity issues.

Eden: My name is Eden Berhe and I’m a senior.

Gisele: How do you feel about the diversity on campus/ Fort Collins?

Eden: I think it is really bad actually, um….

Gisele: Why do you say that?

Eden: Because most… In all my classes I’m the only minority in those classes, so it’s honestly pretty sad. From when I was a freshman it’s a lot better, I think. I’ve seen more people of color and different types of people on the campus since I was a freshman. So I think it’s gotten a little bit better but it’s still pretty bad.

Gisele: You’ve been seeing racial tensions on campus and things like that, especially since Charlie Kirk came. How does that make you feel?

Eden: Honestly its really terrifying and I kind of can’t wait to graduate (nervous laugh) because of that and honestly its just really scary. When that happened, I was like, I’m going straight to class and straight home. I don’t want to be anywhere near campus and I think it’s also just bad for the school because it gives it a bad reputation even though it’s a type of free speech. It’s not safe for people. How are you going to bring more diversity if people don’t feel safe here?

Gisele: With the things that happened at Newsom with the noose and everything, did you find out what happened at Edwards Hall. Have you seen what happened there?

Eden: No.

Gisele: It shortly happened after Charlie Kirk came, at Edwards someone had written Anti- immigration things on a wall.

Eden: Wow… that is terrifying. That’s so sad. Its crazy how quiet people can be about their real thoughts on different things because you just don’t know who you’re walking by on campus as maybe a minority or an immigrant. That’s so scary. That is so crazy. I did not know that.

Gisele: Yeah, it was like an email that was just sent out. Not a lot of people look at their emails and until you look at them you never know. Did you see the email that was sent out by Tony Frank about Charlie Kirk coming and how he said “…a Nazi is a Nazi is a Nazi”?

Eden: Mhmm.

Gisele: How do you think that differs from last year from when the noose incident happened? How do you think he handled it?

Eden: Umm, I think Tony Frank is good with words, I think, I believe a lot of what he’s saying but you kind of don’t see the change, like it doesn’t change from last year. Things are getting worse. I think he could put more of an effort into diversity and just making the school a better place. Like people can have their beliefs and everything but its just wrong. He can put so much more effort into changing this school.

Gisele: In what ways can he (Tony Frank) put more effort?

Eden: I think he could…. Maybe just…….. It’s kind of hard to say exactly what to do. Putting his voice out there more and not just sending out emails. Being a part of these things where people are trying to speak their voice. He could help the minority students out a lot. Maybe make more stricter punishments for the people who think that stuff ( Newsom and Edwards incident) is okay. It is free speech but it’s not healthy for some of the students.

Gisele: What do you think that some students could do if they are not able to transfer?

Eden: That’s so hard. I think they should just reach out. Find a community they could be a part of. There are so many student organizations on campus that would welcome them no matter who they are. They can join any type of organization. People are really welcoming and open here, that I think that would probably be a good start.

Gisele: Do you have any last words, any thoughts that you have?

Eden: No, I think that’s it.

Gisele: Alrighty, Thank you!



Gisele Bair

Student at Colorado State University. A part of Air Force ROTC.