Questioning whether social media influences food choices…

Lindsey Sandoval
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


Madie Kilcrease is a senior at Colorado State University, expecting to graduate in May with a degree in Journalism. She’s focusing on public relations, so I knew she’d be the perfect person to talk to about social media influences on every-day choices. For then millennials I feel as if we make a lot of our decisions based on what our peers are doing or what our peers are most likely to like on social media. In addition, food ‘porn’ has become a phenomena in social media trends today. I asked her about her opinion on social media influences to see if my peers agree with this assumption.

What are some of your favorite restaurants/bars/breweries in Fort Collins?

I am extremely indecisive so this might be a long list… Probably, Silver Grill, Lucille’s, Blue Agave, The Kitchen, Snooze, Rio Grande, Coopersmith’s, Bondi, Tortilla Marissa’s, and Café Mexicali

Why do you think these restaurants land on that list?

I find the atmosphere, the quality of service, and the ability to fit my diet needs extremely attractive and why I find them to be the places I go to most. Plus, they are the more talked about places- for the most part- by a lot of my friends and other peers.

Would you consider yourself an avid “food poster” on social media?

Not necessarily. I really only post when I go to very rare and extremely popular places. That usually happens when I travel out-of-state or the country and am venturing to new places to try new foods. However, I don’t post a lot on my feed. If I post anything it is to my stories on either Instagram and Snapchat.

Why do you think you avoid these types of posts?

I don’t post much because I am the type of person that likes to keep to a certain aesthetic for my social media. It’s lame but what can you expect coming from a journalism major? Plus, I feel like those types of posts work better for people who consistently post them. For me, I like to enjoy my food and then not think too much about it after.

Why do you think “food posting” has become such a trend in social media?

There are certain elements that attract us to the food industry. The whole idea of artisanal food is something that has really taken off for food posts. The posts that show more of the “outside-the-box” type foods are the ones we find most interesting because of the originality and uniqueness.

Do you feel like this is a trend that will last?

It’s hard to say. It seems to be taking the turn to more of a cultural thing than a trend which could keep it around for a while. Plus, with the fluctuation of fitness and diet-planning there seems to be a fairly high demand for that kind of content for those who are trying to stay fit. It’s all going to depend on other factors.

Do you feel like social media influences which restaurants you choose to go to in Fort Collins, or somewhere else (on vacation, hometown)?

Absolutely. More so when I go on vacation but there is definitely a higher chance that I will go somewhere if I see that someone I know, or a celebrity, has gone to a specific place and posted about it, I will trust that opinion and what to find out for myself. Plus, the added factor of a celebrity being there always seems to be a discussion piece.

From a professional standpoint, do you think “food posting” is vital to a restaurant’s marketing strategy?

Oh, of course. Being a business minor, one thing that you left marketing with was customer loyalty and word-of-mouth for the biggest influencers for a business. If you can get others to see the actual food that is being eaten, especially by the people your potential customers are mutual with will always be an easy, cost-effective and influential way of getting the job done.


It all comes down to trust. If you know that someone you call to be a impactor in your life likes the food enough to share it, there will always be a demand for the food.

