6 Ways to Help Non-Profits Grow in Fort Collins

Raychelle Eddings
4 min readSep 12, 2016


Those of us who are fortunate to live in Fort Collins, Colorado are truly blessed. The magic of this community lies in the homey feeling we get just by entering the city. I can’t exactly pinpoint why; it could be because of the proximity of the housing, schooling, and businesses, or it could be because of the beautiful landscaping. But I would narrow it down to the people. But what is it about the people that make this community come alive? Well, it would be easy to say that the people of Fort Collins are generally good and kind people. Though that is true, that could be said about a lot of places. The key to the uniqueness of Fort Collins is how the people show it. One of the most important work that is being done but isn’t usually in the limelight is the work of non-profit organizations. This work needs to be recognized, and helped by the rest of us that haven’t really been paying attention to it. If you want to help but you’re not exactly sure how, keep reading.

1.Get Knowledgeable

This is as basic as it can get: do your research to find out how to get involved. However, even though it seems trivial and obvious, the sad reality about our community is if you ask someone about the nonprofits they most likely won’t know what your talking about unless you’re talking to someone that directly benefits from one, or works for one. Lucky for you you’re here! So you’re already on the path to being one step ahead of most people in Fort Collins.

2. Find Your Passion

I’m sure most of you are the type of people that want to help in whatever way possible, there a lot of nonprofits in Fort Collins. Which means you have choices. Since nonprofits generally deal in tricky areas that can tug at the heart strings, you need to have a foundation to ground yourself on, or you’re going to fall through. That’ll not only affect you but the organization you intended to help. Luckily there are many choices, and there is something for everyone. Fort Collins has nonprofits that specialize in helping children, youth, animals, women, entrepreneurial endeavors, the homeless, performing arts and so much more. Click here for the full list.

3. Focus on Your Talent

Once you find a nonprofit that you’re passionate about, you have to find a place within the organization where you can thrive. Say you wanted to help children, one organization you might be interested in is Realities for Children. But within this organization you’ll need to find your place, some may be good with interacting with kids, so maybe you’d like to help out with playing with them, or being an advocate. On the other hand, some of us love children…but from afar, so maybe you’d help out with public relations, or helping to plan events. In other words don’t try to force yourself into a mold within the organization, you won’t be helping to your best ability if you do.

4. Go to Different Events

Once you find an organization and find your spot within it, it’ll be easy to stick with what you’re familiar with. However, if you want to help the whole Fort Collins community, every once and awhile you’re going to need to step out of your comfort zone. I’m not saying that you need to turn 180 degrees and go in a completely different direction, but it’ll be beneficial to you and the community to look at other nonprofits. The easiest way to do this: go to different events. For example, if you’re working with the homeless maybe you could go to the Alpha Center Gala (Alpa Center is a Christian organization that provides medical services). Who knows you could find another place you feel a calling to.

5. Don’t Drown Yourself

It’s important to help your community, you are apart of it after all. However no one is expecting you to make this your entire life. It could become a career in the future, but until then you should pace yourself. Start off with once a week, and then gradually see if you can move up from there. If you do find another organization through events or word of mouth, make sure to prioritize. It’s okay if you have to pull back due to other responsibilities. Your life should be enhanced by the work you do, not dictated by it.

6. Get others involved

Like you’ve probably heard your entire life, knowledge is key. I said it in the beginning, not a lot of people know about the nonprofit work being done in the great city of Fort Collins. After you’re more knowledgeable about it, let your friends know, share their social media accounts, bring people to their event. Bottom line: spread the word. Most people want to help but they don’t know about it or they think they have the time. But if you, not a flyer, not a post on Facebook, not a little speech done before class, but you bring it up most likely they’ll listen. People listen to people.

