Sometimes it’s Okay to Talk to Strangers

Cole Pearson
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


I have always been a bit shy and don’t generally go out of my way to make conversation with people I don’t know. Despite this I decided to do just that and started talking with a guy that I saw taking pictures on the beach at Horsetooth Reservoir. I introduced myself and this was our conversation.

Q: Where are you from?

A: Originally San Jose but I moved to Fort Collins when I was four so Fort Collins.

Q: And how long have you been doing Photography?

A: About a year

Q: So what do you like about Horsetooth?

A: Well it’s nice and close to Fort Collins. Once you get into the Lory State and Horsetooth open space you can just walk for like 30–40 miles at a time. I try to get out here a lot. I’ve been training for the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) so I’ve been trying to hike every day.

Q: No way that’s awesome. Have you done long hikes like that before?

A: I went backpacking in Canada for three months so yeah but like, continuous backpacking on a trail by myself no so it should be a pretty interesting experience.

Q: So obviously you really like the outdoors?

A: I like to climb, go rafting, kayaking, mountain biking, stuff like that. Just try to stay active. You ever kayaked?

Q: I haven’t but I want to. Where do you go?

A: Oh just be ready man, hold your breath. I do it on the Poudre.

Q: Oh yeah, have you ever done the narrows?

A: Hell no dude. Up there where people are dying all the time? Hell no. I’ll watch people do it and cheer them on and help rescue them but hell no (laughs).

Here is a video of the narrows so you can get an idea.

Q: So after school do you think you’ll stay in Fort Collins?

A: Nah. After my internship here I’m trying to make my own business and be based up in Calgary.

Q: Oh cool what’s the business? Something with marketing?

A: Yeah sort of, I’m not gonna tell you exactly (laughs)

Q: Does photography ever change the way you look at stuff?

A: Oh yeah. You know when you’re looking through the viewfinder how it’s kinda framed? That’s kinda how I see everything, I don’t know how to explain it. You take photos so you understand.

Q: I totally get that.

A: When I explain it to other people they’re like ‘what dude what are you talking about’. But yeah I definitely frame everything I see, even simple stuff like sand and the rocks. Just kind of appreciate it a little more.

We exchanged Instagram (his is @barefoot_hiker) and I left him to focus back on his camera. It was such a cool interaction because I found out that he and I had so much in common. It really put things into perspective on just how much I could be missing out by not taking that step of talking to the stranger sitting next to me. Take that first step, you never know what you could find out about a person.

