Theme songs for Old Town Bars in Fort Collins

Aly Donahue
Beyond the Oval
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2016

Everyone has their personal theme song. It can be a song that gets your adrenaline pumping, a song that describes your life perfectly or a song that when you hear it, you instantly have to turn it up and belt out the lyrics. Whatever type of song it is, it fits you well and for a certain reason.

Here in Fort Collins, Colorado, the bar scene has its very own theme songs too. There are two major locations where people tend to gather, Campus West and Old Town. The bars at Campus West are located from the intersection of Shields and Elizabeth to Elizabeth and City Park. Old Town bars are located in the ever so famous Old Town Square in downtown Fort Collins.

Each bar brings something new and exciting to the nightlife that students, adults and even tourist enjoy. Both bar scenes attract a different crowd; Campus West is typically an older crowd wanting a relaxing, low-tempo night, while Old Town is rowdier and adds a bit of flavor. Below are lists from the popular bars in Old Town and a few helpful tips to get you along the way!

Lucky Joes: “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show

25 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, Co 80524

Known as “Lucky’s”, is that one place you always start out at; not for anything special, it is just the first bar you will encounter in the Old Town Square. Although it is located where all the college students drink, this place tends to be laid back that has a live band every Wednesday through Saturday night with Sundays being an open mic. The best part about this place is the barrels full of peanuts right when you enter. The song “Wagon Wheel” is so fitting for this bar because almost every person knows this song by heart. The vibe and tone this song brings fits within the walls of Lucky’s so perfect that one just has to experience it to understand it.

Helpful tip: Stash some peanuts in your pockets or purse for later. Most of the time you’ll see people snacking on them at other bars! Here is a list of the upcoming events:

Bondi Beach Bar: “Cheers (Drink to that)” by Rihanna

11 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Ever heard the quote, “make Bondi great again!”? Well, Bondi is great again, ladies and gentlemen. After last year’s not so fun atmosphere, this Australian themed bar has redefined themselves and it has quickly turned into the hottest place to be on the weekends. But be sure to get there early, the line can sometimes be up to a 30-minute wait. Our girl Ri-Ri says “cheers to the freakin’ weekend,” in the song, which has become the anthem for everybody who goes there on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. We’ll drink to that!

Helpful tip: Be sure to get their semi-early. The line can sometimes be as long as 30 minutes to get into the bar. They also serve GREAT fish tacos. Check out their menu here:

Yeti: “Drunk in love” by Beyoncé

23 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Yeti is that place where the ambiance is different at each end of the bar. Towards the back it is more conversational and in the front is half dance/talk/try to see if the line at Bondi is shrinking vibe. Queen B says she gets “filthy when liquor get into me” and this place is where you get a few more drinks in your system before you hit your high and dance the night away in the bottom of Rec Room.

Helpful tip: Yeti has a huge statue of an actual Yeti. The thing to do is go in, hold his hand and take a photo. The video to Drunk in Love is here: and I suggest you watch it and then go to Yeti. They play it about twice in the night.

Rec Room: “Get Low” by Lil Jon & The East Side Boys

23 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, CO 80524

The famous lyrics “Get low, get low” and “to all these ladies crawl” unquestionably sum up Rec Room. Rec room is connected to Yeti and tends to be the last stop on people’s nightly endeavors, so of course people are getting “low” on the dance floor and literally crawling up the stairs or attempting to at least. People say Rec Room is dirty, which it is, but everyone still ends up there at the end of the night. Something cool they do, is give out free drink coupons. The coupons are good from 10 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. as an incentive to come to their bar earlier since Bondi is taking almost all the business until midnight.

Helpful tip: Do not get too low because you might fall into a questionable puddle of liquid (or so you hope) on the dance floor. Here is a promo video of the place A few things to point out; one, you do not get a high glow stick when you enter and two, confetti does fall from the ceiling every night. So please, do not get your hopes up too high for this place.



Aly Donahue
Beyond the Oval

somewhere between a juice cleanse & a donut. also, I'm obsessed with my puppy. CSU ΓΔΙ