Top 5 reasons college students should start running.

4 min readFeb 14, 2016


You’ve heard it a million times before, running is good for you! It will help you loose weight, and make you happy! but for some reason you find yourself pressing next episode on Netflix instead of pressing your feet into your Nike free run’s.. (PSA) Please never run in those shoes you will get injured, pregnant and die. Here’s a list of the top 5 reasons why you should start running.

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Alcohol: We get it you’re in College, and with the endless amount of college deals every week it’s hard to pass up penny pitchers at Rec Room on Tuesdays or Dollar pints at Road 34 on Thursdays. So how long do you have to run in order to burn off that delicious Blue Moon? To burn off one beer it would take 12 minutes of running or 29 minutes of walking. For all you gluten free people who enjoy a hard cider that takes 17 minutes of running or 40 minutes of walking. The reality here running just a little goes a long way. Aside from beers and ciders you can learn how to burn off different kinds of alcohol here.

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Money: Between all the sweet deals from Old Town to Campus West, you have spent a total of $8, yet you still find yourself broke. With the bank account of a college student the idea of getting a gym membership is just out of the question, and the free rec center? More like a battlefield of people taking selfies in order to be the most “swoll” because everyone has their own fitness account now right? Running is virtually free, the streets are your gym, there’s no hours, or rules. Did I mention that running is free? click here to visit Altitude running, a local Fort Collins running store that offers student discounts.

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Better Grades: With all this free time by not heading to the gym there’s more time to study! As much as college kids love partying grades are also important, we all want to make money someday right? Running can actually remodel your brain, making it calmer, and stress resistant. Running also keeps your mind sharp and can reduce Alzheimer's and Dementia. Not only are you helping yourself memorize the pointless information like what tempo Beethoven's 5th symphony is for music appreciation, but you are helping your post grad self by maintaining a healthy brain. To learn more about health benefits about running click here.

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Eat more carbs: With all these good grades you may find yourself wanting to reward yourself. You’ve had your beers, and ciders but are looking for some different kind of carbs. The more you run the higher your carb intake becomes. Eating more carbs for running performance can also improve your mood when running. Not only can you eat Cosmos and Krazy Karl’s without feeling guilty, but you will actually be happier out there on the trails. Click here for great carb loaded recipes to help you run better

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There’s always a ride home: You have just indulged in a delicious piece of pizza dipped in spicy ranch, and it’s time to go home. No one has money for an Uber, and it’s too late to call your lame roommate who doesn't go out to pick you up, so whats the next best option? RUN!! With all the old town loops you’ve been running an easy 15 min run home seems like a walk in the park. Long gone are the days waiting for the drunk bus, or freshman driving ram ride who have no idea where college or shields is. You are your own taxi, and by the time your head hits the pillow you have probably burned off a beer and a half. Click here for a map of Old Town and Campus West Fort Collins, to find the best route home.

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