What Does a Fort Collins Native Think About His Future in the City?

Ravyn Cullor
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


Freddie Haberecht is a sophomore studying Ecosystem Science and Sustainability who is also native to Fort Collins. We sat down to talk about the culture of Fort Collins, where the city is going and some of the challenges young people are facing in the city.

What was Fort Collins like when you were a kid?

When I was a kid, Fort Collins really wasn’t crazy different from today. There is definitely more new developments and more people now but the overall atmosphere hasn’t changed much.

What’s your favorite thing about Fort Collins?

My favorite thing about Fort Collins is that there is always something to do. In town, there always seems to be something happening or somewhere to go, and if that doesn’t cut it we are so close to the mountains and so many fun places and activities. As a guy who likes being outside, it’s about as good as it gets.

Where’s your favorite place in Fort Collins and why?

I would have to say my favorite place in Fort Collins is on top of the ridge that makes up the dam side of Horsetooth Reservoir at night so you can look out over the city. It’s such a cool place because you can see the whole city but still be in a silent very wild place, it’s kinda magical.

In what ways, if any, have you seen the city change?

There are definitely more people these days, but I totally understand why people move here. There are also because of the increase in people increases in the number of houses and apartments and restaurants and whatnot but that’s all part of a growing city.

Why do you think people want to move here?

Good jobs, good schools and there is always something to do. You come to Fort Collins and you realize it’s a very cool place to be that’s only getting cooler it’s easy to see why people move here.

What do you think the benefits and drawbacks to population growth in Fort Collins are?

There is more traffic and places are busier and if you’re not a fan of new developments this is not the place but there are also more events focused on the public as well as more new restaurants and stores and better infrastructure. Fort Collins as it grows has been attracting really good businesses and breweries that have boomed, and all that is because there are more people.

Do you personally want to stay in Fort Collins?

In my opinion, this would be a great place to stay but I think it is foolish to say this is the only place for me without going out and seeing what the world has to offer.

What is it that you want to do when you graduate?

I plan to work in something to do with sustainability and the urban environment.

What about Fort Collins are good and bad for you to build a career in your field?

Fort Collins is a leader in sustainability in our area and with our many natural areas and parks so close and not to mention businesses that hold sustainability high on there priority list. It is honestly a very good place to be involved in the field of sustainability.

Last summer the average home sold for around $425,000. Does the high cost of housing affect the viability of Fort Collins for your future? Why or why not?

Not really, I understand it is really high but markets tend to have ups and downs and I don’t see this as a permanent thing.

What effect do you think high housing prices have on the decisions that young people from Fort Collins make about whether to stay or not?

It currently definitely discourages young people from investing here in the long term because it is so expensive, and that is eventually going to change the culture of the town if only people who are already established can move here.

How do you think it will change the culture?

New people move in they bring their own culture if we look 50 years ago this was a farming area. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just how things work as an area increases in population.

What could the city do to make it more attractive for a young person like yourself to stay?

I honestly believe it is already attractive as far the environment and with a high enough paying job, it would be a great place. But with the current demand for housing the prices it limits who can actually buy a home. I’m not sure what the answer to that is.

