When Sunshine Brought out the Best in a Stranger

Rachel Hallam
3 min readFeb 25, 2019


Deciding who to interview for such a different topic was quite a difficult task, so I decided to do something unconventional. I walked through city park this past week just as the weather began to clear up, the snow somewhat melted, and the clouds slightly parted just enough to let the sun shine down.

The warm weather was the best excuse to get out of the house and head to the park for a quick relaxing moment in the beautiful nature. I was lucky enough to find someone taking a soothing study break in their hammock beneath the pine trees in city park.

I figured this would be the absolute perfect time to reach out to someone and get their thoughts on the idea of getting themselves outside. I went up and this perfect stranger was willing enough to give me their input.

His name was Ryan Malone, a third year student majoring in business at Colorado State University. He seemed a little stand-off-ish at first but gave into the process and answered each and every question I put forth.

Q: Hi, mind if I ask you a few questions for an article I’m writing for my Online Story Telling class here at CSU?

A: Uh..sure go for it?

Q: What made you come to City Park today?

A: This weather is finally nice enough to be outside in the sun and not freeze your a** off and actually be able to enjoy your time outside.

Q: I noticed you brought some books along for your time here, are you studying at the university?

A: Yeah, I’m a third year at CSU studying business and it’s always nice to get some of the loads of work I have each day done somewhere other than the library or my room with an annoying roommate.

Q: That bad, huh?

A: Let’s just say it’s a little hard to get studying done when your roommate always has his girlfriend over, it’s almost like she lives there too.

Q: So, since it’s not your room and apparently not the library, why do you choose the outdoors to get your studying done, granted when you have the weather to help with that decision?

A: Well, yeah like I said before and you just mentioned the weather is a main factor when I decide where to study. If there is sunshine shining down enough to keep me warm without making me regret my decision, I am headed to the park or any tree I can find in a heartbeat to just be laid back and hopefully be productive enough to get some work done.

Q: How much time would you spend outside then when you got the chance?

A: Honestly, as much as the weather would let me. The weekend is the best time for me to come out and survive a hangover outside. The sunshine is the perfect remedy for the night before and yeah homework is going to make the headache even worse but the sunshine will give me the vitamin C that my body desperately needs to prepare for the upcoming week.

The idea behind getting outside, getting a healthy alternative to improving brain function and studying habits, is an idea that is seen over a wide variety of groups. From groups at the Wall Street Journal (https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424053111904199404576538260326965724), to The Open Colleges website (https://www.opencolleges.edu.au/blog/2015/09/30/lw-studying-outdoors-can-boost-your-brain-power/), and even to a blog on Uniplaces.com, there are plenty of people who believe getting outdoors could be the best option for you and your studying habits, and Ryan agrees completely.



Rachel Hallam

Second year student at Colorado State University in the the Journalism department.