Why Church?

Mitch Laflin
Beyond the Oval
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2019

When you think of Christianity, what are some of the first things that come to mind? Maybe you think of the Bible, or Jesus. For a lot of people, believers or not, the first thing they think of is church. However, the majority of people who identify as a Christian do not even attend church on a regular basis.

According to a study done by Pew Research Society, less than half of those who are Christian go to church each week. While it might seem like no big deal, this decline in church involvement and rise of individualism is limiting the benefits that engaging with a church can bring on many aspects of life. I think it is imperative that everyone, especially young adults, explore the idea of getting involved in a church.

“International Church of Christ Church Service” by Jamiebrown2011 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

One key reason young adults should go to church is because of the ability faith and community have to help and influence people for the better. Ages 18–29 are such a formative period of life, and often where people look to “find themselves.” What is so important about this is that a majority of people in this age range struggle with depression and mental health issues.

As society leans away from church and religion, suicide rates have been rapidly increasing among this age range. It is evident that mental health issues are continuing to grow, especially among young adults, and I believe that it stems from lack of connectivity and community within faith and church.

Where people not seeking spiritual life or involvement with church are struggling to be open with their issues and problems, those who are plugged into church have much more opportunity to express these things in their going on. Most all churches provide structured community and outlets for not only those struggling, but anyone who is looking to have fellowship and a group of people to connect with. Churches, especially in college towns like Fort Collins, have so many avenues to help young adults learn and grow, as well as work through personal struggles or issues.

Another reason why all young adults should invest in church is because of the perspective it brings. looking at the previous reason with community and resources that strongly benefit the formative years of most people’s lives, churches are so beneficial in helping people discover principles of living and morals. While that’s not to say join a cult or radical group that requires exact following of rules or guidelines, most churches help to guide members to finding perspective and principles through the Bible and faith in God.

What might surprise people is that it largely aligns with common morals and ethics, but just provides clearer paths and support to help find that. One way that churches help people gain these viewpoints on life is through engaging in the community, as mentioned before.

Aside from these reasons, probably the most important reason to go to church is because that is what we are called to do in the Bible! Obviously, this speaks more to those that identify as believers and followers of Christianity, but it is crucial to recognize that by identifying as a follower, God calls us to come together as a group and unify around faith. Through meeting together, all the other aspects and reasons follow: We grow in our perspective, faith, morals and convictions, and can find clarity and knowledge in times of strife. It says in Hebrews 10, verses 24–25,

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

This is one of many passages in scripture that calls people to come together and encourage each other by participating in church. Why it is important for young adults is because it is such a crucial time in our life where people face so much change, growth, struggle, etc. and churches are there to help guide people towards prosperous lives as God has intended.

For me, as a believer, church has played a huge part in growing and maturing in life. I never leave a service saying, “I don’t think I could apply anything that was said,” or “none of the message meant anything to me.” There is always something to take away and grow from, and that is why it has been so influential to me. I get to come together in community and remind myself of why I am pursuing what I am pursuing, open up to others that can help me, and (most importantly) find new ways to connect with God.

I have definitely had times where different churches are not a strong fit, and services that might not exactly speak to what is happening in my life, but that is what is so important about continuing to seek out somewhere that will allow you to grow and engage effectively.

Now to those who do not associate with, or identify at all with, Christianity, it is still so important to investigate church and faith. In today’s society, with rapidly growing media and the ability for anyone to post/put whatever they want online, so many people develop misconceptions about what church and faith in God really is. It is necessary to go to church itself and explore rather than try and piece an understanding together from possibly illegitimate sources or ill-conceived notions.

Church, overall, is a place of community and openness. A place that aims to serve and help people grow towards a common goal based on faith that seeks to show people truth in a world that is quickly being overcome with deceit. For young adults especially, it is a place to find guidance and purpose that helps through the tough times of life, depression, and confusion. Finding and getting involved in a church helps those who might feel all alone in life find peace through community and faith. Fort Collins is home to so many amazing churches that work to provide all these things and more through faith and the common goal of serving the community, and that is “why church”.

