The Grand Master — Short Story

The River
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2020
Photo by Jeswin Thomas from Pexels

“For my entire life, I have moved along a path that was set for me. It was as if I was being thought through rather than actually producing these thoughts. After many years of reflection and guilt, I have decided to explain it to you. For those listening to this speech, it will come as quite a surprise that this is the truth. I have achieved a great many things in all of my years. I have contributed much to the progress of science and the understanding of the cosmos. All of the awards I received in the past decades haven’t phased my resolve, but with the honor bestowed upon me by the Nobel committee, I cannot continue this sham any longer. I stand here in the beautiful Stockholm Concert Hall, thanking you for my award in physics, but I must speak the truth. I’ve been a pawn in the game of the Grand Master, and now I reveal it to the world.”

Around me and before me sat some of the most renowned scientists in the world. All were adorned with the most expensive tuxedos, the most ornate gowns. The Swedish Royal Family sat at my left and whispered to one another. Queen Silvia’s nine pronged tiara glistened in the stage lights. The stare laid upon me by King Gustaf penetrated my very soul. I could see it in his eyes. I mustn’t speak the truth. He knew as well as me how the chess game worked. I likely would not be able to finish my speech, but I don’t expect they were prepared for this. I continued.

“Where to begin? Ah yes, on a quiet spring day in 1975, I was sitting with friends around a campfire on a weekend getaway from MIT. We discussed many topics in our escape from the realities of collegiate life. There were no professors to demand changes to our theses, no modifications of our arguments. We were free to think without the guide rails of the intellectual enforcers. At least, that is what I thought. If I were to know what would happen in those trees, I wouldn’t have gone,” I paused, eying the room for feedback. Everyone seemed slightly uncomfortable. “I realized that my friends had already joined the game, and I was the new initiate. The promise of prestige and power to a young man was hard to pass on. It was in this dark forest that I became enslaved to the Grand Master.”

The room became even more uncomfortable, as they didn’t know if I was going to make the final revelation or was simply being comedic and sarcastic. That was my usual style of communication. I quite enjoyed making the room squirm. I could see it as they whispered amongst themselves and stiffened in their seats. It was time to say it.

“At first, I didn’t understand what was happening, was I hallucinating? Was I drugged? As I grew older, I understood what happened that day. I have spoken with many of you about such a subject — I won’t name any names. Many of us, if not all, were initiated into the grand chess game. Each is assigned a role on the board, this board being quite more complex than what one would traditionally think of as chess, and as long as one plays their rank, they can continue, take part in the winnings, and live a decadent life. We all are connected to the stream of the Grand Master, and we do as we’re told. But not today. Not anymore!”

King Gustaf stood up, “Oh, what a laugh you are making, Dr. Wilson,” he said in his thick Swedish accent.

“You highness, it is quite a laugh, but please, let me continue with my speech.”

The King didn’t know how to react, but I could see the guards at the back of the auditorium being radioed. I was sure to be hastened off of the stage in a moment, but I had to continue.

“For those of you watching the live stream, know this — everything that I have discovered was given to me from the stream of thought of the Grand Master. I was a willing servant for most of my life, but now I must reveal the truth behind it. Those on this stage will likely call me mad, delusional, or some variation of the words. Science was not built by a series of geniuses, but by intellectual slaves, and I am tired of being a vessel from which ideas emerge.”

A security guard from across the room began to make his way to the stage. I only had moments left.

“Who is the Grand Master, you may ask? I’ve spent most of my life trying to find that answer, but I’ve realized that I won’t be able to. This is why I’ve made my stand here, on this prestigious stage. A madman cannot make it to this stage, save for John Nash. He knew what I know now. He couldn’t live with himself, just as I cannot any longer. Those watching must achieve what I could not in my life. You must find the Grand Master. You must!”

The security guard was now at my back, and I was escorted off of the stage. I didn’t know what would happen from this moment on, but I expected I would be placed in an institution for the remainder of my days. Luckily, I didn’t have many remaining. I did this for all of those who had to live with this secret. I did this for John, who played the grand chess game and was broken by it. It breaks so many. He breaks so many. It’s now up to the next generation to transcend the game.



The River

I am journeying down the river of discovery and relaying information back via short stories, essays, and artwork. Deep within metaphors are the seeds of truth.