My Son Learns More From Watching Sports Than From School

Geography + basketball = a winning equation

Carter Anderson Lee
Beyond the Scoreboard


Basketball has played a big role in helping my 4-year-old become a math whiz.
Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash

My dad always used to say basketball was a waste of time.

I don’t know why.

I don’t know the deeper issues behind that. But anytime I practiced playing basketball or anytime he’d see me sinking some shots out on the yard, he’d always come up with the same joke:

“So that’s what you’ve been wasting your time on recently, huh?”

In fact, he joked about it so much, I started to believe it wasn’t a joke anymore. Something deep down for him associated basketball with wasting time.

So when my 4-year-old son started liking basketball, I was taken aback when I heard a familiar sentence again. It went something like this:

Toddler (after making a shot on the mini-hoop in the house): “Look, Grandpa! I made it from this far!”

Grandpa (jokes): “Wow! I see you’ve been wasting a lot of time out here.”

I perked up instantly.

It had been maybe 20 years since I last heard that. But this time, I would argue that my son is not wasting time.

He’s learned far more from basketball this past month than he does in school (granted, it’s just preschool).

