Riding With the Boys

My first college coaching job was spent leading the men’s team

Nancy Parish
Beyond the Scoreboard


A guy diving into a competitive swimming pool during a swim race. In conjunction with my article about coaching a Men’s Division III College swim team.
Photo by Brian Matangelo on Unsplash

I swam competitively for 15 years, including all four years in college. When I finished college, I was happy with the end of my swimming career. I achieved most of my goals and was ready to move on with the next thing.

I wasn’t sure what that next thing was going to be.

I worked for a season as an assistant swim coach for a YMCA swim team before deciding to attend graduate school for exercise and health studies.

One night, a few months after I finished graduate school, I received a voicemail from my college coach asking if I’d be interested in coaching at my alma mater. I immediately assumed she meant as her assistant.

She didn’t.

There was a one-year position coaching the men’s swim team. The men’s coach needed to complete a residency requirement for his Ph.D program. Practice had already started, so I would have to move fast if I wanted the job.

I said yes.

I was 24 years old.

A few weeks later, I was driving an hour and a half one way to coach the men’s team at my alma mater — a Division III college.

Coaching the guys



Nancy Parish
Beyond the Scoreboard

Amateur Cat Herder. Previously, Contributing Editor for CWIM. My ebook Life with Scout: The Blind Kitty Chronicles avail. https://thesoundandfurry.com/